Earth is the water planet. Oceans, rivers, lakes, streams–water abounds. Unfortunately, most of it is polluted. Our industries use our waterways to dump their waste; industrial farming pollutants leach into waterways and ground water. Even jet fuel is found in our water–in well water and municipal water. Mercury pollutes our rivers, streams, and lakes. Fracking is dumping chemicals into groundwater.
We treat water to remove as many pollutants as possible, to make our dirty water drinkable. And yet, our treated water still contains toxic chemicals and toxic metals like lead and arsenic, antibiotics, and fluoride, along with other chemicals used to sanitize the water. In Louisiana, municipal water includes brain eating amebas.
Many have turned to other water sources as a safer alternative to water straight from the tap. But which water is the best? What are the choices?
- Rain Water
- Well water
- Spring water
- Reverse osmosis water
- Filtered Water
- Distilled water
Related: How To Heal Your Gut
Rain Water
The purity of rainwater is dependent on the environment. Have you ever heard of acid rain?
Once while walking along the beach, I turned my face up towards the newly falling snow. That blissful moment exploded as those “pristine” flakes melted and burned through my skin, leaving me bleeding.
If you do decide to collect and drink rainwater, get it tested, and depending on your area, you may need to get it tested regularly. And don’t forget to keep whatever collection bin you use very, very clean.
Related: Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
Well Water
There’s not much better than having your own well full of clean drinking water. Nature built a filtration system. The natural water cycle includes water soaking into the ground through dirt and rocks until it becomes groundwater. We retrieve it through wells or springs.
Unfortunately, well water may be contaminated. Chemicals are not always filtered out by the earth. Fracking, runoff, and other dumping contaminates groundwater.
It is also imperative to keep wells clean. Water can become contaminated from the well itself.
Spring Water
Spring water is groundwater that finds its way to the surface. Again, the cleanliness of the water is dependent on whether the groundwater is pure. Bottled spring water is regulated and tested. According to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), the FDA standards for bottled water are more stringent than the standards for tap water.
On the IBWA site, you can see a video of a water bottling business. Their spring water goes through several filtrations before being treated with UV rays and ozone, both of which kill bacteria.
Reverse Osmosis Water
Reverse osmosis is used to desalinate or clean water. Basically, pressure is used to force water through smaller and smaller filters, separating particulates from the water.
Shillington says, “Reverse Osmosis is questionable, and I’ve heard that it contributes to Candida. Since this was from a verbal source, more investigation needs to be done on this one. RO units have filters that need replacing ever so often, and they do not remove certain toxins from the water such as Fluoride.”
Recommended: Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections
Filtered Water
Home water filtration may involve a whole house approach (which may include a reverse osmosis system) to an on-the-counter filtration machine, a single tap filter, or a water pitcher with a replaceable filter. (See the link below to discover which pitcher filtering system works the best.)
Carbon filters, used in most water pitchers and tap filters, do remove some toxic chemicals but it does not to a good job filtering out fluoride, most of the toxic metals, or all other contaminants.
Mike Adams recently tested 12 popular water filtration devices and Zero was the best by far. It’s always been the only one we’ve recommended. It even removes fluoride, though it is not certified to do so.
The cleanest water is distilled. Yes, it is more acidic. Yes, it is devoid of minerals. Even so, given a choice of water available, it only makes since to start with distilled water for the cleanest, safest water possible. Dr. Ian Shillington advocates distilled water, suggesting that a level teaspoon of baking soda added to a gallon of distilled water makes it highly alkaline (8.0). Add minerals back in as well, and you have clean, alkalizing, mineral water. The reality is that “…if someone is eating right, and taking a good multi-vitamin/mineral like Total Nutrition, they don’t need to worry about the very small amount of minerals distilled water can leach from the body.” He also states, “It is true that “untreated” distilled water will leach some minerals from your body. However, the majority of these minerals are inorganic minerals that you don’t want there anyway such as Calcium Carbonate which builds up to form bone spurs and Arthritic Calcium deposits. Any of the “good” minerals leached can be quickly replaced with a small handful of raw nuts or seeds so this isn’t a major concern.”
If you purchase a water distiller, you won’t have to buy your water at the store in plastic jugs or bottles. At a dollar a gallon or more from the store, a water distiller will pay for itself. Be sure you choose a distiller that also includes a filter. Your water will be clean and pure.
The Best Drinking Water For Detoxifying
The best possible choice for water to drink on a regular bases for someone with a healthy immune system is a clean, safe, high quality spring water. The trouble is, as mentioned, it can be difficult to know how clean it is.
During a detox, when the idea is removing toxins, distilled water is by far the best choice. If you don’t have access to a trusted source for spring water, well water, or rainwater, then distilled is still your best bet for daily drinking. If you’re using water for enemas, distilled is the only water one should use. If the lack of minerals is still much of a concern to anyone using distilled water, a few trace mineral drops in the water can fix that. One of the best things anyone can do for themselves, whether they are detoxifying or not is to drink a lot of water every day. If you’re looking to detoxify, check out Inexpensive, Easy Detox – The One Gallon Challenge, and Total Body Cleanse if you’re looking for a very serious detox or need to target certain organs like kidneys.
Recommended Supplements:
- Shillington’s Liver/Gallbladder Formula
- Shillington’s Kidney/Bladder Formula
- Shillington’s Blood Detox Formula
- Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse
- Shillington’s Intestinal Detox
Further Reading:
- Shillington’s Total Body Cleanse
- Cheap and Easy Detox Diet Plan
- Inexpensive, Easy Detox – The One Gallon Challenge
- Guide to Drinking Water
- Water Filters Tested for Heavy Metals
- International Bottled Water Association
- Myths about Distilled Water