In the movies, we often see a lot of scenes depicting a woman or a man waking up from bed with little to no piece of clothing at all. Aside from being eye candy and the thoughts of being sexy, sleeping naked or having anything barely on has a lot of benefits and has a lot of scientific studies backing it up.
Sleeping naked brings a lot of benefits to people. It’s a surprising fact that only 8% of individuals sleep this way and reap the benefits that come along. Before we delve further into the amazing benefits of sleeping in your birthday suit, here are two unhealthy facts that most people aren’t aware of when it comes to sleeping with your clothes.
Sleeping with a Brassiere for Women
Although there’s no scientific evidence to support that wearing bras to sleep causes breast cancer for females, there are still a lot more reasons not to wear it during rest, especially for extended periods. For one, a tight bra can impede the circulation of blood and can cause pain in the torso.
Another reason why going to bed with a bra is a bad choice is because it can cause hyperpigmentation. An increased level of melanin causes this condition. Melanin is a pigment which is responsible for the color of a person’s skin. Ill-fitting bras can rub against the skin which can cause irritation and damage to the skin.
Sleeping with Tight Boxers or Fit Underwear for Men
Whenever men wear tight boxers, they are unknowingly increasing the temperature in their private parts. When the temperature increases, the testicles produce dead sperm cells. More scientifically, these sperm cells have more fragmented DNA than those who wear nothing to sleep at all.
These practices often don’t get a lot of attention from a lot of individuals. Some may feel comfortable sleeping with clothes but they don’t know the negative side effects it can have on them.
Now that we get the idea of how terrible sleeping is with a lot of clothes on, here are the benefits of sleeping without any piece of garment.
Functioning Becomes Much Better When Waking Up Naked
While sleeping, the brain quietly removes toxins present within the body. These toxins come as a byproduct of neural processes which get left behind when a person is awake. This cleaning process begins when an individual begins to enter into a deep sleep. Whenever someone fails to achieve a good rest, the toxins in the neural passages are left behind.
These toxins are like clutter which hinder the signals that the brain sends to specific parts of the body. This situation is the reason why some people feel slow or tired when they don’t get adequate sleep. The mind begins to slow down, in effect, slowing other functions such as problem-solving, cognitive abilities, understanding, creativity, etc.
A good way to raise the quality of sleep you get is by lowering your skin temperature without altering the surrounding temperature around. A study by researchers at the University of Amsterdam found out that lowering one’s internal temperature increases the body’s ability to filter out toxins.
Being Naked Regulates the Temperature and Cortisol Levels
Although cortisol has a lot of positive effects on the body, it also has a lot of adverse reactions as well. Sleeping overheated or having to rest with a lot of clothes on can cause the body to raise its temperature, elevating cortisol levels. When there is an excess of cortisol in the body, many of its negative effects begin to appear.
Lengthier wound healing, immunosuppression, and high blood pressure are just a few of the things that happen to the body when there are elevated levels of cortisol present. Sleeping naked is a good practice if you want to avoid elevating cortisol levels in your body.
Sleeping Naked Makes You Feel Confident
Sleeping naked can make you feel confident. It wakes you up feeling fresh and reinvigorated. This fact is another reason why a lot of movies depict their actors and actresses naked when waking up from sleep. This scene presents the person playing the role as an active presence in the film to the audience watching.
The Importance of Skin to Skin Contact
There’s a reason why it’s called a “Birthday Suit.” An important practice that doctors and nurses do is they let naked newborn babies latch on their mother, hence, skin to skin contact. The reason for this practice is that it helps infants “thermoregulate” or slowly adapt to the right temperature. Latching on also creates a bond between mother and baby.
When we eventually have relationships, sleeping together becomes an inevitable part of a person’s life. Sleeping naked creates a warm feeling that enables couples to have a stronger relationship. Cuddling allows the body to release Oxytocin, the hormone responsible for a sense of well-being in the body.
Sleeping Naked is Good for the Skin
Sleeping without clothes allows the body to breathe at night. Clothes cover most of the body during the day, and sleeping naked is a good way to let air through your private parts, armpits, groin, and other areas in the body where air and sunlight don’t get to shine. Since air can freely pass through, this allows lesser chances of catching skin disease.
It is indeed a surprising fact that only 8% of people sleep naked. Sleeping naked has a lot of benefits that may astonish some individuals. For example, sleeping naked can make you more active during the waking hours. Sleeping without clothes, believe it or not, can make your immunity to diseases and infections much higher than the average person.
The benefits of sleeping naked mentioned above are just a few examples. People should try sleeping without clothes on, to acquire the advantages of a well-earned rest.
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