The idea of personal responsibility in regards to health is not fashionable. And yet, responsibility is probably the greatest issue that needs to be faced when it comes to attaining a state of excellence in any aspect of life—including personal health.
Too often, people are willing to be victims. They are overly agreeable when it comes to leaving their physical, mental, and even spiritual health up to others. They are awfully eager to place their wellbeing and that of their families in the hands of conventional medical doctors, psychiatrists, and the government.
It may seem completely unreasonable to claim that you are absolutely, 100% responsible for the condition you are in, but it has been my experience that any other way of looking at this issue leads to failure, illness, and death. How can one be responsible when there is so much conflicting information regarding health and healing? By learning all you can about health and filtering out the untruths as they apply to you and your family. The key here is to look and decide for yourself. You have to decide what works for you. When my friends and clients are spinning around looking for answers, I like to ask them what they were doing when they felt their best. More often than not, they tell me they were eating well, exercising, and enjoyed what they were doing in their lives. Well? What does this tell you? When they go back to doing these things, they once again are successful, become even more educated, and do some serious cleansing. Wow! Then they really see results! And believe me, if these people are ever told by a medical doctor that they have a serious disease, they already know how to handle it. Many wouldn’t dream of letting an M.D. touch them or a family member.
Get the knowledge you need to be healthy now! This information will serve you well, should you, a friend, or a family member be told they have a serious, incurable disease. A time of crisis isn’t the optimum time to start learning about the body, how it works, and how best to fight disease. Knowing ahead of time what you need to do and how to get started is the best “life insurance” policy available. There is no substitute for personal knowledge.
Many people complain to me that organic foods are expensive. I think ignorance, illness, and going to conventional medical doctors is much more costly. So, I recommend spending your money on education, organic food, cleansing, and exercising instead. This allows you to be in a position of full responsibility for your life. It is the best investment you can make toward living a long, healthy, and productive life. You owe it to yourself and to your loved ones.