There are many variations to the following, but the basic procedure here will get you through just about any situation when it comes to making any kind of herbal extract you’d care to.
- Fill a blender half full with the herb or herbs of your choice (any kind of blender will do in a pinch, but Vita-Mix blenders are the best).
- On top of these herbs, pour out some 100-proof vodka. In an emergency you can even use whiskey, brandy or any strong alcoholic hard liquor – Everclear cut 50/50 with distilled water is the best, followed by vodka as these are pure grain alcohols diluted with distilled water only. Other hard liquors have sugar and other ingredients in them so don’t work as quite as well. Don’t let that stop you in an emergency if all you’ve got on hand is Bailey’s Irish Cream, though. After you’ve poured it in, the alcohol liquid level should be 2 to 3 inches above the top of all the herbs in your blender.
- Blend the dickens out of it for a minimum of one minute up to a maximum of 2 minutes.
- Pour the mixed contents into a glass mason jar (these come in pints, quarts, and half gallons), put a lid on, and then store in a dark place.
- At least once a day, shake your mixture thoroughly. Twice a day is best.
- After two weeks, strain off the top liquid into another mason jar, and then press the rest of your mixture using a beer press, or a potato ricer, and an organic cotton canvas cloth to act as a filter to strain out the particles. You can also use the fanciest press around that money can buy = a Norwalk juicer.
- Store your tinctures in brown bottles and keep out of the light in a cool, dark place. A top quality extract made with Everclear can last up to a hundred years or more stored this way.
You’re done! That’s it! That’s all there is to it! You can also use pure apple cider vinegar instead of alcohol with certain softer herbs and veggies, but stay away from using glycerin (which is a lousy catalyst with very poor absorption characteristics).
Also check out DIY Organic Chamomile Tincture (image credit, great article as well), and Cannabis Tinctures 101 if cannabis is your thing, but the basics are the same.
Related Reading:
- How to Make a Tincture
- Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections
- Total Nutrition – Make your own Homemade Multivitamin and Mineral Formula
- Doc Shillington’s Total Body Cleanse
- Homemade Calcium and Magnesium
- Homemade Vitamin C