Over the past couple of years, I have noticed at least three young TV presenters here on UK television who have crooked smiles – and I started to wonder why.
On doing some research, I found that I was not the only one questioning this trend.
I came across someone by the name of Forrest Maready who had also become curious. He noticed that many babies, children, and young adults were sporting crooked smiles. He started his search for answers by going back into archive photographs for the past one hundred years or even longer – and he could find absolutely no sign of any crooked mouths in these photographs until he reached a couple of decades ago.
Of course, one problem with much older photos is that often people’s portraits were serious-faced, making it less easy to see if a smile was crooked or not. But then, with the more recent photos, crooked smiles started to appear in ever-increasing numbers and among many well-known faces too. I have found such examples myself including Katie Holmes, Patrick Dempsey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Gosling, Dax Shepard, Natalie Dormer and many more.
It is certainly not about crooked teeth. It’s all about the smile where the mouth itself turns down on the one side and up on the opposite side (usually the left side for down and the right for up) when smiling.
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Metal Toxicity
Forrest has been busy and says that some research has now pointed to it being a sign of metal toxicity – that is mercury, lead, or aluminum. Our faces are controlled by the cranial nerves and it is possible for these to be damaged by metals, perhaps causing a crooked smile, a droopy frown, or even the appearance as of a mini-stroke. Another symptom can be where the eyes fail to point in the same direction. This has even been given a medical term – strabismus.
He tells us that high amounts of aluminum have already been blamed for Alzheimer’s while even higher traces of the metal have been found in autistic brain samples.
The problem is that aluminum is very neurotoxic and even just tiny amounts can destroy the cranial nerves. The thinking behind the connection between aluminum and Alzheimer’s was that the former had built up over many years. However, with these higher amounts now being found in children, researchers are looking for the source.
Forrest has his own theories on the source of such high amounts of aluminum appearing in children which he is happy to share with those who are interested. He takes great pains to point out that at this stage, they are only theories.
In the meantime, he would like you to look carefully at your own face or those of your family members including your children.
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What to do if You Notice a Crooked Smile on Yourself or a Family Member?
Get out the family photo album or those digital photographs stored online and take a good look at them. Has there been any change in the appearance of the face over a short space of time particularly with the smile or the eyes?
There are 6 warning signs to look out for: a crooked smile, a droopy frown, outward eye, inward eye, partial eye blinks, and droopy face.
If you notice something, start an urgent course of aluminum detoxification.
Related: How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
Other Serious Damage Caused By Aluminum
- Aluminum damages your central nervous system.
- Aluminum can damage your brain.
- Aluminum robs the body of magnesium, calcium, and iron.
- Aluminum accumulates in bone tissue, which results in weakened bones.
- Aluminum causes oxidative stress in cells throughout the body, causing aging and damage to DNA.
How to Have Less Aluminum in Your Daily Life
- Change to using aluminum free cookware.
- Check your water supply because it could be high in aluminum too.
- Avoid using any hygiene products (including antiperspirants) with aluminum hydroxide.
- Avoid vaccines and medications that contain aluminum. If you are unsure, check out the full and official list of ingredients.
- Stop eating processed foods.
There are Foods that Help to Remove Heavy Metals Naturally
These include onions, blue-green algae, garlic, cilantro, burdock, bentonite (high grade), carrot juice and green tea. Chlorella is also an excellent food that helps remove metals while assisting the body to rebuild nerve tissue.
Recommended Reading:
- Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
- Start Eating Like That and Start Eating Like This – Your Guide to Homeostasis Through Diet
- How to Make the Healthiest Smoothies – 4 Recipes
- Sugar Leads to Depression – World’s First Trial Proves Gut and Brain are Linked (Protocol Included)
- Fungal Infections – How to Eliminate Yeast, Candida, and Mold Infections For Good