These days, the media and the general public label anyone who questions the overblown, profit-driven vaccine program as an “anti-vaxxer,” a label synonymous with “anti-science.” Many, if not most, of the people who have questioned the safety and efficacy of vaccines attest that they themselves are not “anti-vaccine” at all. They want vaccines cleaned up and a vaccine schedule that makes sense.
We at Organic Lifestyle Magazine are in fact fully in the anti-vaccine corner. We are “anti-vaxxers” and we are proud of the label. At the time this article was written, everyone that works at OLM chooses not to vaccinate. Why do we choose not to vaccinate? For many of the same reasons others don’t vaccinate. But it’s not due to just one reason, or even just a few. If you’re on the fence about vaccinating, or if for any reason you’re looking for information regarding reasons one should rethink immunizations, then this article was written for you.
The bottom line is we do not trust vaccine companies with our health any more than we trust any other profit driven corporation with our health. We know how corrupt the government is in every other way, and we know that extends to vaccines as well. We see, just by looking at the ingredients, that every single vaccine contains toxins and many contain DNA disrupting viruses.
Recommended: How To Heal Your Gut
We know that vaccines rarely, if ever, deserve the credit they get for eliminating disease. We believe every vaccination causes vaccine damage. Toxic chemicals cause damage; it’s that simple. But even if we discovered that we were wrong, and/or vaccines were suddenly made to be much safer and proven to be truly effective, there is still a reason why we would not, will not vaccinate.
Vaccines are produced by large corporations that are so profit driven they are perfectly willing to cut corners at the expense of people’s lives. They will harm children, infants, anyone, and sweep it all under the rug. We have seen this. We’re not talking about unproven conspiracy theories. We’re not talking about just a handful of incidences either. The vaccine industry has proven itself to be corrupt, time and time again.
We do our best to boycott companies that prove themselves to be unethical. But more importantly, if we’re going to trust someone to inject something directly into our blood, we absolutely need to completely trust the product and the people making it. When the products are not ethically and precisely produced, the results are catastrophic.
Related: How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
This video above is one of countless examples of pharmaceutical corruption. There are so many. Do you really want to trust a company with your life that would do something like this?
Still not convinced?
Maurice Hilleman, PhD
Maurice Hilleman, PhD was a microbiologist, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Science, the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Philosophical Society. He received the National Medal of Science and a special lifetime achievement award from the World Health Organization (along with other awards) after developing more vaccines than any other scientist (more than forty), including the vaccine for mumps, measles, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, chickenpox, meningitis, rubella, and pneumonia.
Dr. Hilleman headed Merck’s vaccine program. Due to mandatory retirement, he left his position as a senior vice president of Merck Research Labs at age 65 to direct the new Merck Institute for Vaccinology and serve as an advisor to public health organizations, including the World Health Organization. He died at age 85.
This is but a small token of the accolades for Dr. Hilleman, but the cited information should suffice in establishing his credibility. It seems whenever the safety or efficacy of vaccines is questioned, the first knee-jerk reaction is to discredit the source.
Dr. Hilleman, in an interview with PBS, revealed that back in the 1950s, there were “forty something viruses” in vaccines that they were inactivating. As an example, he said, “Yellow fever vaccine had leukemia virus in it.”
SV40 and the Cancer Connection
He recounted a conversation he had about the simian virus, SV40, that he found in his good friend’s, Albert Sabin’ s, live-virus polio vaccine. When Sabin asked why he was concerned about it, Hilleman said,
…I have a feeling in my bones that this virus is different. I don’t know why, to tell you this, but I’ve been around biology a long time. I just think this virus may have some long-term effects.”
When Sabin asked him what he thought the long-term effects might be, Hilleman said, “Cancer.”
Hilleman’s team injected hamsters with the virus.
…We knew it was in our seed stock for making vaccines. That virus, you see, is 1 in 10,000 particles, [it] is not inactivated by formaldehyde. It was good science at the time because that was what you did. You didn’t worry about these wild viruses.
So then, the next thing we know is, three or four weeks after that, there were tumors popping out in these hamsters.”
Conservative estimates determine 30 million Americans and hundreds of millions more around the globe received a vaccine contaminated with SV40. Both the Sabin and the Salk polio vaccines were contaminated, as were different adenovirus vaccines used with the U.S. military in the first half of the 1960s.
Today, decades later, SV40 has been found in many kinds of human cancers including cancer of the lung, brain, bone, and lymphatic system. Whether the virus causes cancer in humans has been a matter of debate.
Many who are pro-vaccine will search just long enough to find a source that discounts this possibility (such as Wikipedia). Many such sources are easy to find. Dig a little deeper and you will find current peer-reviewed sources that say the opposite.
Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen. A meta-analysis of molecular, pathological, and clinical data from 1,793 cancer patients indicates that there is a significant excess risk of SV40 associated with human primary brain cancers, primary bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Experimental data strongly suggest that SV40 may be functionally important in the development of some of those human malignancies.”
So we now know that SV40, “a potent DNA tumor virus,” is associated with our cancer epidemic that afflicts 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women.
We have learned this information through the revelation of Dr. Hilleman, a renowned scientist who is now deceased, and today’s research scientists. In his interview, Hilleman stated that there was no press release to inform the public about the SV40 contamination because it was “…a scientific affair within the scientific community.” The scientific community closed ranks to protect both the pharmaceutical companies and the vaccine program.
Judy Mikovits, PhD
Fast forward to today. The vaccine program is a multibillion-dollar industry under attack by concerned citizens due to the rise of autism and other neurological impairments they believe are caused by vaccines. No longer dependent upon the press for information, concerned parents and advocates for change communicate via the Internet.
Another internationally known scientist, one with a previously flawless reputation, a “rock star among her peers”, Dr. Judy Mikovits, stepped forward. Mikovits, a molecular biologist and biochemist with more than 30 years experience served as the director of the lab of Antiviral Drug Mechanisms at the National Cancer Institute before directing the Cancer Biology program at EpiGenX Pharmaceuticals. She later developed the first neuroimmune institute. Her early work focused on cancer and HIV, her later work focused on chronic fatigue syndrome and autism. She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles.
Related: Vaccines, Retroviruses, DNA, and the Discovery That Destroyed Judy Mikovits’ Career
Retrovirus Autism Connection
In 2011, she came forward with the discovery that at least 30% of our vaccines are contaminated with a retrovirus, one associated with autism and chronic fatigue syndrome. But that’s not all. The virus is also associated with Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, and Alzheimer’s. This retrovirus comes from lab mice.
Mikovits was threatened and told to destroy her data. She refused. She was fired and later arrested for stealing her data, an act she denies. Years later, charges were finally dropped and the 4-year gag order imposed by the court was lifted. Now Mikovits is speaking out. She asks,
How many new retroviruses have we created through all the mouse research, the vaccine research, gene therapy research? More importantly, how many new diseases have we created?”
And she says,
When they destroyed all of our work, and discredited everything I or Frank Ruscetti had ever published, and arranged for the publication of my mug shot in Science, the NIH very deliberately sent the message to researchers everywhere about what would happen to any honest scientist who dared ask those important questions.”
You can do a search for Judy Mikovits on the Internet and easily find that she lost her job, was arrested, and discredited. The question is why. The answer? Because she dared to come forward and tell the public that vaccines are associated with autism and other diseases. And because she is telling us that the labs are responsible for the contamination, the reason for the association.
If you are pro-vaccine, know that you believe in the promise that we have been given, that vaccines are safe and effective. When you seek out and find a source to confirm this belief, what is that source? Is it the pharmaceutical industry? Is it someone who receives funding from the pharmaceutical industry?
Why Big Pharma Will Hide the Truth
If the pharmaceutical industry admits their contaminated vaccines are implicated in millions of cases of cancer and if clear, conclusive evidence proves the link between vaccines and the devastating rise in autism, what would be the result? How many victims and parents of victims will demand compensation? How many will refuse vaccines, deciding that the risks outweigh the benefits?
Instead of taking that risk, pharmaceutical companies will continue to protect their corporate interests. Doctors with enough clout or with evidence that is highly damaging to the industry will be silenced or discredited. Mainstream media will be controlled through coercion (pharmaceutical companies control media through advertising dollars – huge budgets the news outlets depend on for revenue). The media will continue to be used to promote fear, stirring up the ludicrous belief that unvaccinated children pose a risk for vaccinated children.
The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
The ever-growing threat to the vaccine program has taken a new turn with mandated vaccinations. The federal government is now considering a federal law to force parents to vaccine their children regardless of their beliefs or concerns about toxic, contaminated vaccines. The federal government has already eliminated a parent or an adult victim’s ability to sue pharmaceutical companies for damages from vaccines. Our right to sue has been replaced with adjudication through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), regularly called vaccine court. Financial compensation is entirely derived from taxes placed on vaccines.
A document from the Health and Human Resources Department about VICP compensations clearly shows the current level of deception our government is using to assuage fears of vaccinations and support any and all questions from wavering pro-vaccine citizens. The document opens with these words:
The United States has the safest, most effective vaccine supply in history. In the majority of cases, vaccines cause no side effects, however they can occur, as with any medication—but most are mild. Very rarely, people experience more serious side effects, like allergic reactions.
In those instances, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) allows individuals to file a claim for financial compensation.”
This makes it sound like claims are being made for allergic reactions, not for neurological damage, for autism, paralysis, death, or any number of other outcomes.
MMR II Adverse Reactions
Compare the benign statement from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program suggesting allergies are the adverse reactions causing concern to the actual adverse reactions listed in the insert from the MMR II or the following information extrapolated from the insert.
“While Merck, the MMR II manufacturer, does not list autism as one of the possible side effects of this vaccine, it does list many other serious, adverse reactions. This list includes meningitis, encephalitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, decreased blood platelets, convulsions, seizures, arthritis, bronchial spasm (asthmatic reaction), pneumonia, anaphylactic shock, and death. The list also includes many severe illnesses/reactions that are not commonly recognized or understood by the general public. These include:
- Pneumonitis – inflammation of the lungs
- Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) – a severe, life-threatening disease in which the body attacks the nervous system causing paralysis.
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) – a rare, fatal neurological disease
- Encephalopathy – abnormal brain function that may denote structural damage
- Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) – a post infection or post vaccine inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. (Attacks brain tissues and nerves).
- Transverse myelitis – an inflammatory disease of the spinal cord that causes weakness and loss of sensation and it affects the autonomic nervous system (breathing, the heart, digestion, reflexes).
- Ataxia – lack of control of muscles suggesting brain and nerve damage.
- Polyneuritis – weakness, numbness and pain – nerve damage
- Polyneuropathy – damage to nerves causing tingling and pain that may begin in the hands and feet and spread to other parts of the body and may affect the autonomic nervous system
- Ocular palsies – Damage to the nerves of the eye affecting eye movements, pupil constriction, and eyelid movement often resulting in an inability to focus without double vision.
- Panniculitis – inflammation of the fat layer and connective tissue just under the skin
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome – following a painful rash, the top layer of skin blisters, dies, and sheds.
- Erythema multiforme – skin reaction similar to Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
- Nerve deafness – hearing loss and dysfunction.
- Retinitis – damage to the retina causing damage to vision.
- Optic neuritis – inflammation of the optic nerve, which can cause temporary blindness.
- Papillitis – Inflammation of the optic nerve head
- Epididymitis – Inflammation of the tube at the back of the testicle.
- Orchitis – inflammation of the testicles.
Of course, less serious reactions also occur including fever, vomiting, swollen glands, diarrhea, rashes, pain and swelling of the injection site, and contracting measles, mumps, or rubella from the vaccine.” (For more on the MMR II see our full article, The MMR Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness.)
Face the Truth
For far too many, simple statements made by the government such as “Very rarely, people experience more serious side effects, like allergic reactions.” obfuscate the truth. And then, any claims that vaccines cause autism or other serious side effects are swept aside with, “At least 250 studies have proven there is no link between autism and vaccines.”
Those who still believe our vaccines are safe and effective are ignoring these truths:
- The inserts show very real and very serious risks associated with vaccination including possible death.
- Pharmaceutical companies are not benevolent or trustworthy.
- Big pharmaceutical companies have been fined billions for illegal activities. The top 6 are:
- GlaxoSmithKline PLC, fined 7.56 billion for 20 settlements
- Pfizer Inc., fined 2.96 billion for 15 settlements
- Johnson & Johnson, fined 2.33 billion for 14 settlements
- Merck & Co. Inc., fined 1.86 billion, for 27 settlements
- Abbott Laboratories, fined 1.82 billion for 12 settlements
- Eli Lilly & Co., fined 1.71 billion for 13 settlements
- Two former Merck scientists, whistleblowers, contend that Merck “fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the efficacy of its mumps vaccine in violation of the FCA [False Claims Act].” Merck stands accused of defrauding the U.S. government in order to procure government vaccine contracts. This, of course, is not the first time they have faced state and/or federal fraud charges.
- Big pharmaceutical companies have been fined billions for illegal activities. The top 6 are:
- The CDC cannot be trusted to tell the truth in regards to the vaccine/autism connection.
- A whistleblower has come forth from the CDC in regards to suppressed data regarding a correlation between the MMR vaccine and autism in black male children
- Pharmaceutical company executives have served as advisory panel members for the CDC.
- Dr. Julie Gerberding, who headed the CDC from 2002 through 2009, became the new President of Merck’s vaccine division.
If you are still not convinced that injecting mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, polysorbate 80, and animal or human tissue with whatever viruses they carry into your body or your child’s body is not safe, speak to a parent who knows a vaccine caused their child’s autism. Listen as a mother tells you her healthy, happy, verbal child received a shot, spiked a fever, and disappeared. It only takes hearing the story once to know the truth. When you hear the same story again and again, denial is much harder.
Today, 1 in every 45 children are diagnosed with autism, but how many others are suffering in ways that manifest with other disabilities from ADHD to diabetes, auto-immune disorders and other chronic disorders? With so many toxins in our air, water, and food, injecting more of them directly into the bloodstream is asking for an epidemic. And that’s what we have on our hands, a brain-damaged, vaccine injured society. It is an epidemic, to say the least, and it’s growing rapidly.
Diseases are scary. The idea of dying from a disease that one could be vaccinated for is scary. There are potential risks on both sides. We choose to minimize our risk on this matter in two ways. First, we know that the right nutrition and a truly healthy lifestyle is a better defense against disease than any corporation can concoct in a lab. Second, we choose not to trust companies with our life when those companies have proven they cannot be trusted. It’s that simple.
Disease is a symptom of cellular malfunction. Cells malfunction due to a lack of nutrition and/or toxicity. Health starts in the gut because it’s all about what you put in it. And, the truth is, with a healthy gut, the body can withstand a remarkable toxic load. If you have to vaccinate, if you don’t have a choice, and especially if you have to do multiple shots in a short period of time, we recommend you get your gut as healthy as possible and keep it that way. Eat and drink in a manner that allows you to always be properly detoxing. Check out the three articles below for more information.
- The MMR Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness
- Emergent Human Pathogen Simian Virus 40 and Its Role in Cancer – NCBI
- Maurice Ralph Hilleman, American microbiologist – Encyclopedia Britannica
- 60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child – The Edgy Truth
- Data and Statistics (Vaccine Compensation) – Department of Health and Human Resources
- CDC: 1 in 45 Children Diagnosed With Autism – National Vaccine Information Center
- One thing Ackman’s right about — drug companies survive billions in fines – MW Market Watch
- Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims – Huffington Post