After meeting with president-elect Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr. has agreed to chair a commission on “vaccination safety and scientific integrity.”
Kennedy, an environmental activist, an environmental attorney, an author, and a former U.S. senator, is an outspoken critic of vaccine safety and the government cover-up of the vaccine/autism connection. Trump, who has had personal knowledge of vaccine injured children, is following through with his pledge to move toward a safer vaccine schedule and administration. He claims to be an advocate of vaccination, but he wants to see smaller doses spread out over time. His tweets do not mention toxic contents.
Kennedy also says he is pro-vaccine. His goal is vaccine safety. He wants the American people to be assured that vaccines are as safe as possible. He was very outspoken about thimerasol in vaccines and may well have been instrumental in it being removed from most of our children’s vaccines.
Mainstream media continues to denounce the vaccine/autism connection as they make this announcement. There is, of course, no mention that the government has paid out 3 billion dollars for vaccine injuries (including autism) while protecting the pharmaceutical companies from litigation. Nor is there mention of the high infant mortality rate in the U.S. that is statistically linked to the ever growing vaccine schedule.
Hopefully, the commission will illuminate the work of the many doctors and scientists who have voiced concern about vaccine safety and efficacy.
Recommended Reading:
- The MMR Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview Of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Influenza Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness of the Flu Shot
- How Plumbing (Not Vaccines) Eradicated Disease
- Doctors Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research
- Trump asks known vaccination skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to chair commission on vaccine safety – Daily News
- Robert Kennedy Jr. says he will chair “vaccination safety” committee for Trump – CBS News