It does not matter what size jar you use as long as the top one quarter is liquid.
Dry herbs lose their potency within a year. Fresh herbs rot soon after harvest. Tinctures preserve and extract the medicinal properties of an herb in an alcoholic extract. Tinctures may last more than a hundred years.
You can purchase tinctures through Organic Solutions, or you can make your own. They are very easy to make, but the process is time consuming, and it takes months to brew a strong tincture.
All of our formulas are available to the public. If we lose business and gain competitors, so be it. We need more herbalists and natural healers in this horrid world of huge pharmaceutical companies and pill pushers in white coats. Be the family herbalist. Be your own doctor. Maybe if enough of you make your own herbal preparations, we’ll drive them out of business.
I’ll drink to that! (Herbal tea of course.)
Stuff for making:
- Blender
- 100 proof alcohol (vodka works well)
- Glass mason jar
- Organic dried or fresh herbs
Stuff for straining:
- Wooden spoon
- Fine kitchen strainer or cheesecloth
- Bottle to put the finished tincture in
Note: Make on the new moon; strain on the full moon. Shake tincture at least once a week
It’s really easy:
Put herbs in blender. Add 100 proof alcohol to cover ¼ inch over the herbs. Blend well to a soupy consistency and pour into a glass jar. Screw on lid.
Let herbs settle for a day to see how much liquid is on top. 3/4 herbs to 1/4 liquid on top is best (see diagram). Screw the lid on and let it brew in the dark for at least 4 weeks or for months if you desire (but remember to strain on the full moon). To strain, pour the entire contents of the jar through your strainer and press all liquid out of the soaked herbs with a wooden spoon. Keep finished tincture sealed as the alcohol will evaporate if left unsealed.
If you want to purchase Organic Solutions tinctures and other products check out our online store, Green Lifestyle Market.