I was a senior in high school the first time I attempted a natural cure. One day my glands swelled up and my throat hurt so badly I could barely swallow. I looked like I had the mumps.
I’d read about the curative properties of vitamin C. At lunch, I drove to the drug store and bought a big bottle of chewable vitamin C. I chewed a handful of tablets and continued to eat one or two every fifteen minutes. By the end of the day all of my symptoms had vanished.
My second remarkable cure occurred a few years later. I had three deep warts on my hand that had been chemically removed, burned, and finally surgically removed. Each time, they immediately grew back. Worse yet, I had dozens of painful Plantar warts on the ball of my foot. I’d had the warts on my hand for more than five years, the warts on my foot for more than a year. A friend handed me a high quality vitamin E capsule and suggested I open it and spread the vitamin E on the warts. I did it to appease her. Imagine my surprise when all of the warts disappeared within two weeks with no further treatment!
The warts on my foot never reoccurred. Years later, the warts on my hand did reappear. One more dose of vitamin E and I have never seen another wart.
I wish I had learned more about alternative health care after these two early successes. Unfortunately, I followed the medical model to the detriment of my health. More on that later…