I believe that Bobby Kennedy single handedly won Trump the presidential election. While he has many great forces behind him, and the endorsement of Elon Musk and Joe Rogan certainly didn’t hurt, I don’t think that he would have won the election without the endorsement and avid support of Robert F Kennedy Jr.
While the holistic health folks are celebrating the win of Bobby, and celebrating even further still at the nomination of Bobby as the secretary of the HHS, many are dreading this decision and the changes that are (hopefully) to come from this choice.
Those who primarily follow mainstream media outlets may have fallen for the narrative that Kennedy wants to remove all the processed food from your grocery store shelves, and ensure that no child ever receives a vaccine again. Many believe his ideas to be radical and dangerous, and more still think he is not to be trusted.
However, I think that the election of Kennedy into the department of HHS is one of the best things to happen to this country in a long time. The Make America Healthy Again campaign is not something to fear, but is rather, a deeply necessary movement for the future of our children. We are headed down a dangerous path. With obesity numbers higher than ever, and chronic illness running rampant through our country, we have to ask the question why. We also have to ask the question why us? Other countries don’t seem to be struggling with the obesity and chronic disease epidemic that we are.
It’s my belief, and one might see this as a logical conclusion to make, that the reason our country struggles so much more with these issues than other is because of the laundry list of toxic pollutants and chemicals, in, on and around our food that are banned in other countries. Additionally, our lack of education, and the environment our kids grow up in, has resulted in a generation of kids who are practically sedentary.
For what it’s worth, Kennedy does not want to ban vaccines, and fast food. He does however want to remove fluoride from the water, and if this scares you, your research is about 30 years behind. Fluoride can lower IQ’s and result in the calcification of the pineal gland over time, and it needs to go. For the record, I, like many holistic people don’t want to ban vaccines or fast food. What we want, what I think most of us want and what we hope Kennedy will do, is create a world where we are not judged, ridiculed or shamed for the way we choose to raise our kids. A world where people understand us when we say we’ve chosen not to vaccinate, or our kids don’t eat Yellow #5 or Red #40, and we’re not at risk for losing our kids and most importantly, a world where those who don’t have the time or desire to feed their kids the way we do, are not actively poisoning their children.
We’re not into shaming. I’m not judging you for buying your kids corn flakes. I’m not judging you for picking up fast food for dinner, again, because you’re just too tired to cook. I want us all to live in a world where if you choose to do that for your family, the government is protecting you from the chemicals that you’re currently consuming without awareness, where informed consent is REAL, and you really and truly know what you’re getting yourself into when you get your child vaccinated or when you accept that hormonal birth control prescription. We are hoping that RFK moves us in the direction of a happier healthier society, because what we have right now isn’t working.