There are three reasons people take vitamins: to prevent illness, to treat illness, or to recover from strenuous exercise or injury.
Vitamins are not, and never will be, a substitute for a good diet. Whole, fresh, raw, foods; clean, pure water; sunlight; exercise; and sleep – these are the basic needs of the body.
Whole foods provide the nutrients needed by each and every cell.
Water bathes the cells and helps remove waste as it provides the medium for the cells’ chemical reactions.
Sunlight allows the body to make vitamin D, which is necessary for many functions, including the immune system and strong bones. Lack of vitamin D is associated with many diseases including cancer, diabetes, and depression.
Exercise is needed for strength and stamina, but it is also essential for lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic system is more than the primary components of the immune system; it is also vital in removing waste and toxins from cells. If the lymph doesn’t circulate, the toxins and waste back up and are not properly removed from the body.
During sleep, the brain cells are cleansed, damaged cells are repaired, and hormones are released.
What Are the Problems With Vitamins?
Aside from the ridiculous notion that you can maintain a poor diet and make up for it with vitamins, there is a major problem with many vitamins: poor quality, synthetic ingredients, and vitamin poisoning.
Synthetic Vitamins
The debate continues with some scientists convinced that synthetic vitamins are just as effective as whole food vitamins. Others argue that the body is unable to properly utilize synthetic vitamins because it can’t regulate their absorption or optimize their levels. Synthetic vitamins may also trick the body into believing it has all the vitamins it needs and does not need to utilize the vitamins present in food. Synthetic vitamins are alien to the body – they are drugs that can disrupt normal metabolic functions.
Toxicity of Synthetic Vitamins
Vitamins A, E, D, and K are all fat-soluble vitamins, meaning the body stores excess vitamins, which makes it much easier to reach toxic doses. Each of these vitamins can reach a toxic level (though it is rare for vitamin D levels to reach a toxic level). Toxic levels of vitamins K and A can damage the liver. Vitamin K poisoning is associated with cancer. Vitamin E toxicity inhibits blood coagulation, increases hypertension, and decreases the life span.
Whole Food Vitamins
Whole foods include nutrients and phytonutrients we are just beginning to understand. And nature combines these nutrients in a way our body can best utilize them. The best source of vitamins and minerals is through whole foods. When additional targeted nutrients are needed, be sure to learn the optimal amount for your health needs. Check out Make Your Own Vitamin C, Homemade Calcium and Magnesium, and How To Make Your Own Homemade Multivitamin and Mineral Formula.