The vaccine debate continues to heat up. Clear lines have been drawn between the “sane” pro-vaccine camp and the “insane, risk taking” anti-vaxxers.” The media, the government, and Big Pharma maintain the schism between the two sides through propaganda and disinformation. They continue to lie, stating that vaccines are safe and effective. When anti-vaccine activists denounce current vaccines and vaccine schedules, they are accused of being irrational, conspiracy theorist nut cases. But let’s face it…these are the facts – not rhetoric – just facts:
Vaccine Ingredients
Today’s vaccines are filled with toxic ingredients – known neurotoxins, DNA, preservatives, and more. It is the toxic ingredients in vaccines that cause the most concern and are believed to be the primary cause of vaccine damage.
Vaccine Schedule
The current schedule for children recommends 67 doses for16 diseases by age 18. This schedule includes the HPV vaccine given to children as a prevention of an STD scheduled at age 11 – a vaccine linked to a high number of deaths and vaccine damage. (Statistically, the number of deaths is much higher than the number of deaths the vaccine is supposed to prevent.)
The vaccine schedule combines vaccines. More than one shot is often given at one visit. In addition, combination shots are given. The MMR combines the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccinations into one shot. The DPT combines diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus, into one shot. (This combination is also called the DTP, DTwP, DTaP, or Tdap.)
Our country has the highest number of recommended vaccines in the first year of life and yet we do not have the lowest infant mortality rate. Not by a long shot. The CIA World Fact Book ranks the U.S. infant mortality rate (death before 1 year of age) to be higher than 55 other countries. Finally the question is being asked, “Is there a link between our vaccines, the vaccine schedule and SIDS?”
Vaccines Linked to Autism, Brain Damage, and Death
There is no doubt that there is a vaccine/autism link. Though you can Google study after study claiming there has never been a study to prove a link between autism and vaccines, more than 80 exist. And, of course, most of the studies claiming there is no link are paid for by Big Pharma.
But set side the dueling studies and look once more at the facts. The government protects vaccines makers. A law was passed that prevents us from suing vaccine companies. A tax is placed on each vaccine and this tax is used for payments to victims and families of victims who have been damaged or killed by vaccines. These children include the children who became autistic and the children and adults who suffered other types of neurological damage or developed auto-immune disease as a direct result of vaccinations.
After payments reached more than 3.5 billion dollars, the government not only stopped reporting the amounts of payments made, they stopped publicizing the data altogether. After all, it is pretty hard to convince people that vaccines are safe and admit to paying out 3.5 billion dollars because they obviously were not safe to the victims.
There Is an Alternative to Conventional Vaccinations – Homeopathy
Homeoprophylaxis (HP) is the safe, effective means to educate the immune system and create the desired immune response. There are no injections of foreign substances into the body, overwhelming the immune system with toxins and attempting to elicit the correct immune response from an unnatural method of delivery.
Diluted and potentized disease products, called “nosodes” are used, one at a time, administered orally, to elicit an immune response. There are no detergents, additional viruses, DNA, mercury, aluminum, or other preservatives, antibiotics, or detergents. The nosodes, though made from disease products, are so diluted, it is not possible to catch the disease from them, as it is to catch a disease from a vaccination.
Homeopathy is not well accepted in the United States, though it is in other countries.
Imunizationalternatives.com states the following:
- The Indian government controls epidemics for thousands of people of malaria, Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever and epidemic fever with homeopathy.
- The Cuban government depends on homeopathy to manage its leptospirosis epidemics and dengue fever outbreaks in millions of people.
- The Brazilian government funded two large trials in thousands of children that successfully reduced the incidence of meningococcal disease in those given homeoprophylaxis.
- The governments of Thailand, Colombo and Brazil also use homeopathy to manage dengue fever outbreaks and epidemics.
This method has been used for more than 200 years and boasts a 90%+ efficacy as proven in clinical trials.
Health With or Without Vaccines
A healthy immune system, regardless of vaccination status, should be our first goal for ourselves and for our children. Diet is the foundation of health.
A whole food, plant based diet is key with 80% fresh, raw, organic, produce as its foundation. Our bodies require good fats with omega 3’s and clean water. To be healthy we must avoid processed, prepackaged foods with all the chemicals they contain including artificial flavors and colors, preservatives, MSG, sugar, artificial sweeteners, trans fats, and GMOs.
A nutrient dense diet is the goal. To learn more about a healthy diet check out 80% Raw Food Diet, and Make Your Own Total Nutrition Formula.
It’s time to admit the truth and solve the problem. Today’s vaccines are a toxic brew. Our vaccines are maiming a generation and the death toll is climbing. Homeopathy does provide an alternative.
Further Reading:
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Doctor’s Against Vaccines.
- The MMR Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness
- All Natural Homeopathic Immunizations – Homeoprophylaxis Is a Proven Alternative to Vaccines
- The World Fact Book, Rank Order – CIA Publications
- March 2015 Settlements in Vaccine Court: 117 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths – Health Impact News
- Homeoprophylaxis: Safe, Effective Alternative To Vaccinations