A few generations ago there was no question. Vaccinations were the modern miracle of the day. Thanks to the pharmaceutical companies we were well on our way to eradicating horrific childhood diseases that resulted in death or lifelong disability. Right?
As parents we are told that vaccinations are mandatory. You must vaccinate your child to enroll him in daycare, to enroll her in school. And then you sign a permission slip after acknowledging your awareness of the risks. It lists possible outcomes like catching the very disease your child is being immunized against or worse. You realize your child could be permanently damaged by that shot or could even die. But the odds are so low and you don’t really have a choice, do you? Not if you want your child to go to school. So you grit your teeth, say a silent prayer, and sign on the dotted line.
Or do you?
Vaccine Injury
Times are changing. The real story is slowly being revealed. The climbing autism rate is horrific. Vaccine manufacturers (thanks to vaccine court) are admitting the link between autism and vaccines, whistleblowers are coming forward, and correlations are undeniable, but mainstream media and most of the conventional medical world still denies the connection.
Autism rates have dropped from 1 in 5000 to 1 in 68. Many are beginning to take notice, to question the role of vaccinations in this epidemic.
Autism isn’t the only vaccine injury. A quick look at one legal firm’s list of successful cases reveals several kinds of injuries: Guillaine Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura, Neuralgias, Transverse Myelitis, Miller-Fischer Variant of GBS, Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis, Demyelinating Condition, Cellulitis, Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome, Bilateral Symmetric Diaphragmic Palsy, Demyelination of the Phrenic Nerve, Pneumonia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response, Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Multiple Sclerosis, Brachial Neuritis, Menningitis, and death.
India’s Supreme Court took Merek to trial over Gardasil (HPV) vaccinations that sickened many girls and killed seven.
Vaccine Effectiveness
Recent outbreaks of whooping cough and measles have shown the ineffectiveness of the vaccines. Anti-vaccine proponents will argue that the effectiveness of all of the vaccines shown in the past was more a matter of increasing sanitation rather than the public campaigns to vaccinate. A clear downward trend in all of the illnesses targeted by vaccinations continued at the same rate after vaccinations began.
Pharmaceutical Companies and Morality
For so many years, we have refused to believe that a pharmaceutical company could possibly hurt anyone on purpose or through wanton negligence. A look at this year’s pharmaceutical scandals by Health Impact News puts that argument to rest.
If you have been vaccinated or plan to vaccinate, we recommend a detox as soon as possible. Check out the “Further Reading” section below.
Recommended Supplements:
- Shillington’s Blood Detox
- Shillington’s Total Nutrition Formula
- Oil of oregano – Gaia Herbs
- Shillington’s Echinacea+
- Chinese goldthread – Wise Woman Herbals(if out, try Berbercap)
- HM Complex – Pure Encapsulations
- Basic B Complex – Thorne Research
Further Reading:
- How to Detoxify from Vaccinations & Heavy Metals
- 5 Foods that Detoxify Heavy metals
- Vaccine Side Effects and Why You Shouldn’t Vaccinate
- Inexpensive, Easy Detox – The One Gallon Challenge
- 80% Raw Food Diet
- Garlic – The Most Amazing Herb On The Planet
- Hot & Cold Hydrotherapy
- Autism and Vaccines: CDC Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Dangers, Lies, and Cover-ups
- Our Firm’s Vaccine Case Results – mctlawyers.com
- Vaccine Scandals and Criminal Cases Increase in 2014 – Health Impact News