The Vaccine Argument – Why It’s Important Regardless of Where You Stand
In my experience, vaccines are a touchier subject than politics or religion. If you take on an anti-vaccine stance, you probably know what it’s like to be ridiculed, called names, condemned, and shamed.
The pro vaccines people believe that the non-vaccinated are putting everyone at risk. The anti crowd believes that the immunization risks far out way the benefits.
I see both sides. Clearly. I get it. I’ve done a ton of research and I’ve debated many, many times. But I do not vaccinate. I do not vaccinate my dog or my child.
I think it’s possible that vaccines have their place. On the other hand, I also believe that a very healthy person is at a much greater risk from vaccine injury than any disease. But I am under the radical assumption that when the body is fed properly and not overburdened with toxins, the body is not susceptible to pathogens. I also believe in the crazy notion that illness, including HIV, cancer, and almost every other disease, is curable through natural means. I understand that this sounds crazy to most people.
I see times changing. I remember when people looked at me like I should be locked up for eating organic. It wasn’t long ago that most of us believed GMOs where going to save the planet and feed all the hungry. Even many of my tree hugging friends were under the impression that GMOs where the only way to produce enough food to feed all of us.
I see the vaccine debate moving in the same direction as GMOs. I predict that most everyone will be anti-vaccine or at least hesitant to vaccinate with anything more than just a few immunizations. I bet the flu shot will fall out of favor very soon. I think vaccines are ineffective, dangerous, and cause much more harm than good.
But, I admit I could be wrong. I could be wrong about all of it.
So let’s assume I am. Vaccines do more good than harm. Now let’s take it a step further and pretend that almost all of us crazy non-vaxers decide to come on over to the inoculation side. And everyone trusts Merck. And we all vote that vaccines are mandatory for everyone in the U.S.
What then?
Would Merck remain this trustworthy, innocent corporation? No. Because there is nothing trustworthy about them now. Merck and many other vaccine manufacturers have committed heinous crimes against both adults and children. One of many examples is in this proceeding YouTube video where Bayer and the U.S. Government knowingly gave HIV tainted vaccinations to children. And we all heard about laws they tried to pass in Texas that force children to vaccinate against an STD. Pharmaceutical companies, like almost every other corporation in this country, put profits above everything else. And we all know what corporations are perfectly willing to do to our children in the name of profit. This includes the medical companies. It happens all the time, and is even reported (usually very briefly) in mainstream media. They cannot be trusted!
Vaccine companies have already made it almost impossible to sue them. They are trying to make it illegal not to use their product. And they have been proven to commit crimes against people in the name of profit.
Furthermore, at least for the informed, it is no longer a debate as to whether or not vaccines can cause autism or other damage. Even vaccine manufactures are acknowledging this. The argument is about how often vaccine injuries happen, and if they are a benefit to society.
Without those crazy anti-vaccine guys, where would we be right now? Imagine if nobody stood up and said GMOs are bad news. Imagine if we all still took antibiotics every single chance we could. Imagine if those crazy advocates for lead free gasoline, paint, and other products didn’t exist?
My point is, we need this opposition to keep greed in check. It’s the “crazy” and “radical” progressives that got us safer working conditions, cleaner air to breathe, etc. Even when they’re (we’re) wrong, the opposition often keeps greed in check. If nobody questioned the safety and efficacy of immunizations, I can only imagine how much less safe they would be today. It took our voices just to get some of the mercury out of a few of the vaccines.
Debate is healthy. It’s absolutely necessary. Right or wrong, we need it to keep people and corporations in check.
Further Reading:
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Influenza Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness of the Flu Shot
- The MMR Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview Of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness
- How Plumbing, Not Vaccines, Eradicated Disease
- Autism and Vaccines: CDC Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Dangers, Lies, and Cover-ups