Holy Basil or Tulsi is one of the most powerful herbs alive. The name “Tulsi” means “The Incomparable One” because of its unique health benefits. The herb was a staple of Hindu mythology and considered sacred by the Indian royalty. Modern science has shown that this distinctive herb is incredibly good for balancing the mind, body, and spirit.
Holy basil, a variety of Ocimum basilicum (basil), is a small shrub with scented leaves that is a part of the mint or Labiatae family. It grows wildly throughout south Asia where the natives in these areas have been using it for centuries. It is known to help the bodily systems adapt, balance, and increase resilience.
The Adaptogenic SuperStar!
Holy basil is known in natural medicine as an adaptogenic herb in that it helps the body better adapt to stress. Adaptogenic herbs don’t affect an individual’s mood, but they help the body function at its optimal level during times of stress. They do this by modulating the production of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.
Chronic, low-grade stress is a modern day epidemic that creates sluggish metabolism, chronic inflammation, and abnormal immunity. High cortisol creates digestive problems and leaky gut syndrome, increased appetite, weight gain, thyroid disorders, and accelerated brain degeneration. This is commonly found in the brains of those with anxiety disorders, depression, and other physchological disorders. Many auto-immune conditions also link to chronically elevated stress hormone production as a catalyst for abnormal immune response.
Stabilize Cortisol Levels
One of the key components that adaptogenic herbs offer is their ability to lower and stabilize cortisol levels. High cortisol drains the precursers to major hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen. With less than adequate raw materials, the body becomes sex hormone deficient. This process rapidly accelerates the aging process and makes an individual’s life miserable.
Healthy individuals have stable cortisol levels that naturally spike in the morning and then level off and stay consistently low during the day before tapering at night. This allows us to wake up with energy in the morning and maintain that energy until nightfall when we should naturally be gearing down and getting ready for sleep. Stable cortisol levels result in improved mental clarity and memory. The individual feels as though they are less agitated and anxious and therefore able to perform better and have higher quality of life.
Holy Basil Contains Powerful Anti-Oxidants
Holy Basil is rich in aromatic essential oils that have powerful effects on the body. These phytonutrient rich oils include ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid, caryophyllene, and eugenol, among others. These oils have a great smell that naturally boosts mood and spirit. Eugenol has been shown in studies to combat stress and enhance mental clarity.
Holy Basil acts to modulate stress levels and blood sugar levels by stabilizing cortisol and insulin. A study out of the Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry indicated that holy basil may reverse some of the damaging effects of diabetes like neuropathy and retinopathy.
Holy Basil contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and essential oils, which are all anti-oxidants that scavenge free radicals in the body, improving cellular integrity, blood flow, and genetic expression. It is particularly good for cardiovascular health and brain function, as it helps protect against heart disease and brain degeneration.
Holy Basil Helps the Immune Coordination
Holy basil helps to strengthen the body’s immune system, helping it to fight off opportunistic parasites such as Candida, viruses, and MRSA staph infections. As an adaptogen, it is able to modulate the immune system by turning it up higher when it is necessary to fight a toxic invader. It also has the ability to quiet down the immune system to reduce unnecessary inflammation.
The strength and coordination of the immune system plays a very important role in preventing and destroying cancer cell growth. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food described holy basil’s ability to combat the development of cancer. The herb significantly reduced the formation of cancerous micronuclei, while increasing antioxidant levels and healthy enzyme activity.
Breakthrough Technology for Herbal Botanicals
My favorite way to consume Holy Basil is in its fermented form, from Beyond Organic Terrain liquid herbals. These unique products unlock the full nutritional potential of the Holy Basil by putting it through an intense 3-month fermentation process. The Sacred Herbs Terrain combines the extraordinary adptogenic benefits of fermented holy basil with the incredible anti-inflammatory and cancer killing properties of turmeric.
Related Products & Reading:
- Holy Basil – Green Lifestyle Market
- Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
- Holistic Guide to Healing the Endocrine System and Balancing Our Hormones
- Candida, Gut Flora, Allergies, and Disease
- Gluten, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases
- Hypothyroidism – Natural Remedies, Causes, and How To Heal the Thyroid
Sources For This Article Include:
- http://www.medicinehunter.com/holy-basil
- http://www.beyondorganicinsider.com/2013/02/holy-basil.html
- http://www.naturalnews.com/033798_ashwagandha_adaptogen.html