Study From Norway Shows 90% of People had Plastizicers in Their Body
New data from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has shown that 90% of those tested from 2016 to 2017 had plasticizers in their urine. Plasticizers are chemicals used to change the elasticity of plastic in the manufacturing process.
Plastic is in virtually every corner of our world today from the food we eat and the water we drink, our cups and plates, our clothes, and a million other things we use every day.
The study analyzed urine samples from 44 men and 100 women in Norway. Scientists measured three different groups of chemicals, plasticizers, bisphenol, and parabens.
Eight different plasticizers were found in 90% of those tested. Around 50% of people had parabens in their urine, more commonly men than women. Parabens are commonly found in cosmetics and skincare products, likely why they are more common amongst women than men.
Related: How to Detox From Plastics and Other Endocrine Disruptors
Dr. Mercola’s article on this subject covers many different areas where plastics may be present, in everything from your food to your baby’s bottles.
Health issues associated with plastic ingestion are related to their powerful hormone disruption capacity and include feminization of males, miscarriage, infertility and low levels of vitamin D
To avoid plastic toxicity or detox from plastics we recommend that you avoid plastic as much as you can. Try to use all-natural fibers, glass bottles, reusable bags, and eat fresh whole foods while drinking cranberry lemonade.