Crazy Pills: Over-the-Counter and Prescription Meds Linked To Dementia
A new study clearly shows common over-the-counter medications widely used for asthma, allergies, and insomnia increase the risk for dementia. The study also found that the risk may not be reversible, even after several years off of these medications.
The drugs studied are anticholinergic drugs, which block a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, in the central and the peripheral nervous system. These drugs are available over-the-counter and through prescriptions. Many are used on a regular, long-term basis to treat a variety of medical complaints including:
- allergies and allergic reactions
- motion sickness
- irritable bowel syndrome
- insomnia
- colds
- ulcers
- asthma
- excessive sweating
- urinary incontinence
- depression
- smoking cessation
- cough suppressant
- muscle relaxer
- Parkinson’s disease
These drugs include:
- Zyban
- Wellbutrin
- Dramamine
- Cogentin
- Chlor-Trimeton
- Benadryl
- Sominex
- Advil PM
- Unisom
- Robinul
- Atarax
- Atrovent
- Oxivent
The study showed the risk of dementia rises when these anticholinergic medications are used at higher doses or for longer periods. It is not unusual to find these drugs used in combination, especially with the elderly population. For instance, one individual may be using a sleep aid, an allergy medication, and a medication for depression. If all of these drugs are anticholinergic drugs, the accumulative effect increases exponentially, raising the risk of dementia.
Earlier studies had shown these medications increased the risk of dementia; however, these studies also concluded cognitive decline decreased when these drugs were discontinued. The new study, a more longitudinal study, suggests that years after continuation, the risk of dementia remains higher for people who have used more of these drugs or used them for a longer period of time, suggesting a cause and effect even when the drugs were discontinued years prior to the development of dementia.
The study showed that even low amounts over long periods of time increased the risk of dementia. While the study focused on older adults, what about children and young adults? How many children and younger adults are regularly taking anticholinergic over-the-counter or prescription medications for allergies or asthma? How many adults of all ages are taking anticholinergic over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids?
This should be a wake-up call for all of us to remember that medications treat symptoms, not the cause of disease. To get well, to be truly well, we must give the body the nutrients it needs to heal. We must detox. We must live lives that are as clean as possible: clean food, clean water, clean environment. It has been made clear over and over that we cannot trust pharmaceutical companies! If you have been taking any pharmaceuticals, it’s time to detox. Start with this Cheap and Easy Detox Plan and consider following the 80% Raw Food Diet.
Recommended Supplements:
- Shillington’s Brain Tonic
- Shillington’s Nerve Sedative Formula
- Shillington’s Total Nutrition Formula
- Coconut Oil
- Krill Oil
Further Reading:
- How to Detoxify from Vaccinations & Heavy Metals
- Prevent Dementia Naturally
- Candida, Gut Flora, Allergies, and Disease
- Mental Health, Physical Health & B Vitamins – Nature’s Valium
- Gluten & Neurological Disorders – Understanding the Connection
- Higher dementia risk linked to more use of common drugs – ScienceDaily
- Anticholinergic – Wikipedia
- The study: Shelly L. Gray, Melissa L. Anderson, Sascha Dublin, Joseph T. Hanlon, Rebecca Hubbard, Rod Walker, Onchee Yu, Paul K. Crane, Eric B. Larson.Cumulative Use of Strong Anticholinergics and Incident Dementia.JAMA Internal Medicine, 2015; DOI:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.7663