Yoga May Alleviate Menopause-Related Symptoms

A new study found that yoga relieves many common menopausal symptoms like night sweats, hot flashes, and vaginal dryness. In an analysis of 13 clinical trials testing yoga’s viability as a menopause treatment, a weekly yoga practice was more effective than health education or a lack of treatment. The trials lasted from 4 to 16 weeks, and participants engaged in yoga interventions from 1-14 times a week.  According to lead study author Holger Cramer, research director of the department of internal and integrative medicine at Kliniken Essen-Mitte and the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany,

There were already clear hints from earlier studies that yoga might be good for relieving menopause-related psychological symptoms such as mood swings, depression or sleep problems…Based on the new data, yoga can also effectively relieve physical symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue or bladder problems…This indicates a potentially beneficial effect of yoga for all women with menopausal symptoms.”

Additional Benefits

Yoga is an appealing addition to a menopause treatment regimen. The clinical trials did not require participants to chose a specific type of yoga, and there was a range of practice types, from hatha yoga to Iyengar, but we figured Sun Salutation is a good start for anyone.

Menopause primarily affects older women, and yoga’s low-risk, flexible workout can be especially appealing. In addition to menopausal symptoms, yoga has shown to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep. Other studies have also suggested that yoga can address issues of self-image and self-esteem that many older women face.

Based on the new data, yoga can also effectively relieve physical symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue or bladder problems. This indicates a potentially beneficial effect of yoga for all women with menopausal symptoms.” – Holger Cramer

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