Principles of Naturopathy

There are no incurable diseases! – Dr. John R. Christopher N.D.

What a wonderful statement Doctor Christopher makes. Let’s look at the conclusion that logically follows:

All Disease is Curable

Phew!  This is even stronger.  But is it true?  And, assuming it is true, why stop there?  Let’s follow this line of thought.

The Following Are the Basic Laws of Naturopathy

  1. Man is a composite of spirit, mind and body.
  2. The spirit of man is senior to his mind, which is senior to his body.
  3. The spirit alone may heal the mind and body.
    1. The mind by itself cannot heal itself, and requires effort on the part of the spirit.
    2. The body by itself cannot heal itself, and requires effort by the spirit using the mind.
  4. All disease (spiritual, mental or physical) is stoppage that is brought about by stress.
  5. All disease is curable.
    1. Even though all disease is curable, some people are not.  It is sometimes extremely difficult convincing some people that they should survive when they don’t wish to.
    2. Many people wish to survive.  (the positive)
    3. Some people actually wish to succumb, to give up and die.  (the negative)
    4. Those who wish to survive are penalized by associating with those who wish to succumb for they feel the need to take others with them.
    5. Those who wish to succumb benefit (survival wise) from being associated with those who wish to survive.  Basically, they are human parasites.
    6. Stress, which then brings about stoppage is created by the actions of, and connection with these negative people.
    7. The positive, who wish to survive, optimally should either handle those in their lives who are negative by educating and bringing them over to being positive, or failing that, disconnecting from them completely, and as quickly as possible.
  6. A state of optimum health is positive and is the natural order of existence.
    1. A diseased condition is the responsibility of, and created by, the individual himself.  It is negative.
  7. Ethics means “surviving optimally for the good of all”.  An ethical person is a healthy person for they are healthy in spirit, mind and body.
  8. Optimum health and balance is brought about by:
    1. Ethical conduct.
    2. Education, with the idea of improving one’s existence and the survival of others as well.
    3. The introduction of high-quality organic nutrition.
    4. Proper biochemical and nutritional supplements.
    5. A good exercise program, and
    6. A sufficient rest schedule.
  9. An ethical person is not only surviving well himself, but is also actively contributing to the optimum survival of his family, his groups, and all of mankind.  He knows that he is responsible for his fellows and is also very concerned with the ecological welfare of the planet.

This list is probably far from complete, and as time goes by this author hopes to fill in any gaps.

However, the immediate questions raised are:  Are these laws true?  And, can they be used to resolve all physical illness?

A decade of study, research, and running many students and clients on personal health programs, has shown the above to be completely accurate, 100% of the time.  There were no exceptions.