All Natural Homeopathic Immunizations – Homeoprophylaxis Is a Proven Alternative to Vaccines

Let’s “pause” the discussion about mandatory vaccinations and push “play” on how best to keep the next generation healthy. According to Stephanie Seneff, PhD, a research scientist at MIT, by the year 2025 one out of every two children will be autistic given the current rate of increase. 1

Dr. Seneff states, “Children with autism have biomarkers indicative of excessive glyphosate, including zinc and iron deficiency, low serum sulfate, seizures, and mitochondrial disorder.” We’ve been hearing this term “mitochondrial disorder” more and more lately. In July 2010, Hannah Poling’s family was awarded $1.5 million plus $500,000 annually for continued care after Hannah was severely injured from receiving vaccines for nine diseases at the same time– the typical recommended doses. The court determined Hannah had an “unknown mitochondrial disorder.” 2

In light of unknown mitochondrial disorders that may be lurking in children unbeknownst to doctors or parents, will the attempt to make them healthier by injecting more vaccines into them be successful? The effort to eliminate benign childhood diseases is not working. Bloating the vaccine schedule with more recommendations is not the answer. In the recommended schedule from the early 1970’s there are 23 doses of vaccinations for nine diseases.

If we take a look at the current schedule a whopping 67 doses of 16 diseases are recommended for children by age 18. Are our children healthier as a result?

According to a recent study by Neil Miller, the United States has the highest number of recommended vaccines in the first year of life. Thirty three other nations have a lower vaccine schedule and a lower infant mortality rate. Singapore, Sweden, Japan, Iceland, and France have some of the lowest rates in the world. 3

When penicillin was introduced in the 1940’s it was a wonder drug. Modern medicine had found the answer to disease. Kill the bacteria. What could be more effective and efficient than wiping out the culprits to ear infections, sore throats, wound infections and the like? Yet, today the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention along with the American Academy of Pediatrics state that antibiotic-resistant infections, or super bugs, are one of the world’s most pressing public health threats. 5 Trying to eliminate bacteria hasn’t been a panacea.

Bacteria and viruses are lifeforms which ultimately “find a way,” not to be easily annihilated. Normal bacteria found in the intestine, female genital tract and oral cavity help prevent overgrowth of potential pathogens and aid digestion.5 Bacteria are the only living organisms which can fix nitrogen. They are therefore essential to all life on Earth. Developing another antibiotic or another vaccine is not the answer. What about viruses?

Current news reports tell us we have not eliminated measles mumps or chickenpox. These benign childhood diseases have a natural life of ebb and flow. We see their return despite vaccination rates. They also play a vital role in the education and maturation of the developing immune system.

Some believe that the choice to not vaccinate a child is irresponsible. Claims abound that disease outbreaks are due to the percentage of unvaccinated. These children are viewed with suspicion and distrust as if they are intentionally inflicting others with diseases that they somehow manage to avoid but pass along to others. Yet, according to the New England Journal of Medicine a mumps outbreak during 2009 and 2010 occurred primarily among fully vaccinated children. 6

If Mother Nature intended for these benign illnesses to educate the immune system, how can this be accomplished without the risk of serious complications? The answer is called “homeoprophylaxis” also known as “HP.”

HP is the use of diluted and potentized disease products, called “nosodes” to elicit an immune response. This response will educate the immune system in a way that has been clinically shown to reduce the incidence of both infectious as well as chronic disease.

The goal of HP is the same as conventional vaccination – disease protection and improved health. The differences are many. The most obvious is the purity of nosodes compared to conventional vaccines. HP nosodes contain no additives whatsoever. No antibiotics, no preservatives, no detergents no foreign DNA, or unknown viruses or foreign DNA are present.

HP nosodes are administered on small sugar pellets. They dissolve on the tongue and enter the system by way of the natural route past mucous membrane. Here the natural process of disease recognition can begin in the way that Mother Nature intended. Bypassing this route by injecting a substance directly into the blood stream is like an ambush attack to the immune system. There is no opportunity to mount a preliminary response in a biologically appropriate way.

HP is given one disease at a time, as the human economy can manage effectively. If a child is sick, it is best to allow him to get well before introducing any other diseases to his system. Most medical professionals would say it is inadvisable to be giving a vaccine at that time. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that you should not vaccinate your child if he is “moderately or severely sick, with or without a fever.” 7

To summarize, homeoprophylaxis, or HP, is a disease prevention method that uses diluted and potentized disease particles. It respects the immune system by only introducing one disease at a time through a natural route of administration passing through mucous membrane.

The nosodes contain no adjuvants, preservatives, antibiotics, or detergents, and are not grown on mediums such as animal tissues containing foreign DNA or unknown viruses.

HP has been utilized since the 1800’s and was even made obligatory by the Prussian government in 1838 during scarlet fever outbreaks. It is commonly used for epidemic diseases that pose the risk of death or disability, but can also be used for diseases with a low mortality rate, or when traveling to an area where a specific disease is endemic.

The benefit of homeoprophylaxis is that it “educates the immune system” in such a way as to either protect from the disease, or if it’s contracted, an asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic case will occur.

Since the 1800’s, HP has been used for scarlet fever, cholera,8 smallpox, polio,9, 10 pertussis,11 diphtheria,12 influenza,13 meningitis,14 Leptospirosis15 and more. The application as an alternative to the recommended government immunization schedule is relatively new.

Dr. Isaac Golden, PhD (Australia) conducted a 15 year study with 3000 children receiving HP. He found that those children exposed to the diseases included in the HP program were effectively protected at a rate of 91%.16 He continues to collect data today.

A very interesting finding of his work is the improved long term health outcomes of children using homeoprophylaxis instead of conventional vaccination. There were also improved long term outcomes when compared with unvaccinated children. It seems that allowing exposure to the natural disease in energetic form carries this benefit without any of the risks. 17

To quote Dr. Golden regarding these findings, “The explanation of this result remains open, but I would suggest that HP remedies stimulate the energetic immune response and this must lead to a maturing of the response in an analogous way that infection with simple diseases can help to mature the physical immune response.” 18

In other words, triggering an immune response at the energetic level, using vibrational remedies as opposed to material doses of disease antigen, plays a role in maturing the immune system. This is accomplished similarly to how Mother Nature operates in the developing immune system – gently and carefully, single disease by single disease.

While vaccination does provide a variable level of protection against many infectious diseases, its safety is not confirmed with any degree of certainty. In particular, long term health consequences of vaccines have not been adequately researched. In comparison, homeoprophylaxis has provided 200 years of clinical evidence showing us that it is safe, devoid of any toxic components, and yields positive long term health effects. Include a level of protection comparable to or better than vaccines, and practitioners have genuine choices available when it comes to preventing potentially serious infectious diseases.

Parents and healthcare practitioners wishing to implement HP may want to attend the 1st HP International Conference in Dallas, TX. Dr. Isaac Golden will be the keynote speaker.

Recommended Reading:
  1. [up] Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT – Alliance for Natural Health
  2. [up] Sharyl Attkisson. CBS News. September 2010 – CBS News 
  3. [up] Miller NZ, Goldman GS. Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? Human and Experimental Toxicology. 30(0) 1420-1428.
  4. [up] Get Smart Programs & Observancesenters – CDC
  5. [up] Microbes and Human Life – Life Materials Technologies Limited
  6. [up] Mumps Outbreak in Orthodox Jewish Communities in the United States – New England Journal of Medicine
  7. [up] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014) Retrieved from:
  8. [up] Von Boenninghausen, C. Baron.1984. Bönninghausens Kleine medizinische Schriften [Lesser Medical Writings] (ed. Klaus H. Gypser), Heidelberg, 1984.
  9. [up] Eisfelder, HW. Poliomyelitis Immunization: A Final Report. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy. V. 54, Nov-Dec 1961, pp. 166-167.
  10. [up] Francisco Eizayaga MD. Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine published by Ediciones Maracel, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1991
  11. [up] Shepherd, D., (1967). Homeopathy in epidemic diseases (First ed.). Essex, England: The C. W. Daniel Company Limited. p.18.
  12. [up] Chavanon, P. 1952. La Dipterie, 4th Ed, St Denis, Niort: Imprimerie.
  13. [up] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2014. Retrieved from:
  14. [up] Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G. Meningococcin, its Protective Effect against Meningococcal Disease, Homœopathic LINKS Winter, 2001 Vol 14 (4) 230-4
  15. [up] PubMed 2014. Retrieved from: Bracho G1, Varela E, Fernández R, Ordaz B, Marzoa N, Menéndez J, García L, Gilling E, Leyva R, Rufín R, de la Torre R, Solis RL, Batista N, Borrero R, Campa C. Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control. Homeopathy. 2010 Jul;99(3):156-66. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2010.05.009.
  16. [up] Golden, Isaac (2012). The Complete Practitioner’s Manual of Homeoprophylaxis. Victoria, Australia. p 93.
  17. [up] Ibid
  18. [up] Ibid