The Most Atrocious, Widely Accepted Human Experiments of All Time

As humans, we have endured plenty of experimentation. Too often we have been unwitting test subjects for disease inducing experiments that were lauded as beneficial, and in some cases, even healthy! However, a few people have started to wake up and realize that they were being swindled by a shrewd and strategic plan that lines the pockets of the elite and keeps the rest of the population sick and under control.

Are you ready to wake up yet? If so, get ready to dive into the rabbit hole and discover four of the core experiments that have created disastrous results for our health, even though they have been heavily promoted by the establishment as healthy.

Dental Amalgams

It’s relatively easy to make a living as a dentist today. With the general population wolfing back hordes of processed and toxic foods, largely devoid of any nutrients and absorbing a variety of toxins introduced into the air, water, household, and personal care products, you have the perfect atmosphere for decaying and rotting teeth. With no one to properly explain how to avoid this fate (brushing is not the answer, but a small part of the solution), people continue to willingly parade into the dentist’s office to have restorative work done to keep the damage to a minimum.

But does it?

Sure, filling the holes in your teeth can stop that particular cavity from becoming heavily infected and creating even more issues down the road, but considering most dentists are still using amalgam fillings (comprised of approximately 50% mercury), the solution may be worse than the original problem.

Related: Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, Cavitations – What You Need to Know

For decades dentists have been using mercury based fillings to repair cavities. No one really cared to explore what the effects of an extremely noxious heavy metal placed directly into the mouth. Unfortunately many are now finding out it’s not good.

For example, following the initial exposure during the actual dental procedure, we now know that mercury fillings slowly leech mercury and mercury vapour, which can cause a multitude of symptoms related to the digestive system, nervous system, circulatory system, and reproductive system. It can damage the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and virtually every other organ in the body. It can also cause severe muscle and joint pain and lead to debilitating conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis.

Despite the overwhelming evidence that this experiment is slowly but surely ruining people’s health, many dental offices still endorse the use of mercury fillings, and worse, many people believe and trust their dentist who says they are safe enough to continue using!

As long as this mentality continues, humans will continue to serve as guinea pigs while we continue to learn how deadly mercury can be, especially when placed directly in the mouth.

Fluoridated Water

Sickeningly enough, water fluoridation began in the mid-1940’s as a solution to fluoride pollution created by the Atomic Bomb Program and the aluminum industry. Since this chemical waste had to be disposed of, it was placed in the water supply to dilute it then “sold” to dentists and the masses as a preventative to tooth decay.

I know! Mind blowing, right?

Related: What’s the Best Water for Detoxifying and For Drinking?

Even more ridiculous is the notion that this mass poisoning strategy has been heralded as one of the top 10 greatest public health achievements in the 20th century and is still in effect today despite overwhelming evidence that it not only doesn’t help with tooth decay, but can cause significant health problems.

Most are not even aware that fluoride is a drug that severely damages the brain and thyroid. With it being added to municipal water supplies that reach nearly 211 million Americans, it is quite possibly the most widespread concern of our time. As of 2012, more than 67% of Americans received fluoridated water, while most other countries ban its use.

So how can water authorities be allowed to add a drug that is known to cause health side effects directly into your drinking water?

Add this to the things that make you go “hmmmm”.


With toxins permeating our lifestyles at an increasing rate along with consumption of a nutrient and antioxidant deficient diet, diseases like cancer have risen exponentially over the last few decades. Well meaning charity events and researchers have drummed up millions of dollars to find a drug to put an end to this epidemic, but alas, it’s all for naught. We’ll never find a real cure by searching for a drug that uses the same toxic strategy that caused the illness.

Chemotherapy has been used for decades as the premiere cancer killing protocol, but few have fully realized that this “kill all” approach is akin to burning down your house when you find out you have a rat infestation. Certainly, it will get rid of the rats, but then you are left with nothing but rubble. Now you have to try and rebuild –  if you’ve survived the devastation of the fire itself.

To add insult to this widely accepted therapy, research has suggested that when chemotherapy damages healthy cells, they secrete a protein that actually accelerates the growth of cancer tumours! So now, not only have you destroyed your body and severely weakened your immune system, you are left with a new fight with nothing in your arsenal except more of the same poison that ruined your body in the first place.

Related: How to Detoxify From Chemotherapy and Repair the Body 

With this treatment leaving a trail of dead participants and many others who can be akin to “the walking dead”, it is truly baffling that this experiment is still widely accepted and even honoured as the go-to treatment for those with cancer.


The vaccine debate is one of the most hotly contested issues of our time, and it’s no surprise since it most commonly involves the lives of our precious children. This debate has many points and nuances to consider, and many of them are covered in the articles of Organic Lifestyle Magazine.

However, no matter how deep you want to go into this debate, it is impossible to ignore the fact that diseases such as autism have dramatically increased as the number of  vaccines given at an early age increased. This direct correlation is undeniable to anyone paying attention. The fact that as many as 44 chemicals, excipients, preservatives, and fillers have been identified (such as aluminum, animal tissues and organs, formaldehyde, gelatine, thimerosal, and MSG) as ingredients in vaccines, it makes a person wonder how anyone can believe these injections are risk free. These obnoxious ingredients are very problematic for a grown adult with a mature immune system to detoxify, let alone a newborn baby with a very delicate and developing immune system!

So how does the medical mafia respond to this risky situation? With more vaccines, of course! To the tune of 3-4 times more than we had 30 years ago. All this while we continue to ignore the lack of studies that support the effectiveness of vaccinations and outright refute research that shows that major declines in life-threatening disease we are being vaccinated for were already in major declines before these vaccination efforts.

Related: How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children

Although the debate continues over the safety and efficacy of the current vaccine ingredients and schedule, those who have been directly affected and can read between the lines are seeing that this is the most dangerous experiment of our time because it directly affects the next generation (our children) and their ability to carry on healthy and productive lives. The fate of the human race is at stake here!

I suggest you do more research on all of these areas, and not just from “trusted” government and corporate sources. Use your common sense, open your mind, and dare to let logic infiltrate your brain. It just might save you from any future dangerous experiments planned for our already sickly human race.

Oh, and one last thing. If all these efforts are so brilliant, and these are in actuality beneficial practices, why is the population getting exponentially sicker and not better?

Connect the dots, folks. Connect the dots. Check out Two Ways Dental Work Destroys Your Health and How to Repair the Damage and Signs of Mercury Poisoning – Healing the Body, and be sure to check out the Further Reading below.

Sources and Related Reading:

Fluoride – Less Is Too Much

Guess what? The nice folks charged with taking care of everyone have finally decided we were getting too much fluoride. The U.S. Public Health Service changed our drinking water standards for the first time since 1962.

The previously agreed upon level of fluoride was 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water, the amount of fluoride found in a single use of 95% of the toothpastes available on the market in the United States.

Is Fluoride Even Necessary?

Advocates claim that the addition of fluoride to the water supply is the reason for the decline in tooth decay since the 1950s. These same advocates ignore the fact that the same decline in decay rates occurred in all western countries. The majority of European countries that do not use fluoride have seen a 75% reduction in tooth decay over a forty-year period.

Fluoride’s Unsafe History

Where does fluoride come from? Before fluorine gas (the element that fluoride is derived from) was isolated, chemists dealing with it suffered from severe injuries, especially to the soft tissues of the respiratory tract. Manmade fluoride comes from industrial waste, and the FDA hasn’t carefully assessed it.

Forty percent of 12-15-year-olds in America show signs of fluorosis, an overexposure to fluoride that causes white spots on teeth. The deputy surgeon general is citing fluorosis as the main reason for the lowering of the recommended amount of fluoride in drinking water. Unfortunately, that’s not the only reason to reduce and eliminate fluoride in our drinking water.

Harvard scientists decided that the effect of fluoride on the young brain was a high priority topic of study, as several studies have found children’s IQs were reduced by fluoride exposure. It has also been linked to damaged learning and memory centers in the brain.

Fluoride is also toxic for bones, as the chronic ingestion of fluoride has been linked to skeletal fluorosis. It’s clear that the rate of dental damage from fluoride is on the rise, and it makes sense that the same damage is occurring in the skeletal system. There have also been links between fluoride and damage to the kidneys and thyroid.

Say No to Fluoride

With the growing tide of research confirming that fluoride is harming the brain and bones as well as the teeth it’s purportedly designed to help, 0.7 of fluoride per liter of water as the new standard still seems high considering it’s merely the low end of the previous recommendation. The fact that it has taken more than 50 years for the Public Health Service to lower the levels of fluoride in our water in the face of damning evidence shows how unwilling our government is to consider current research.

While the lowering of the recommended amount of fluoride is a step in the right direction, it is not enough. There are things that you can do to take care of and protect yourself even further. Learn about the best water to drink (see links 8 and 2 below) and learn how to make your own fluoride free toothpaste.

Further Reading:

Why Water Fluoridation Continues, Despite Flying in the Face of Science

A majority of Americans consume an “invisible” drug on a daily basis—a drug so harmful it’s been proven to cause serious health issues, including damage to your bones, teeth, kidneys, thyroid, and pineal gland.

Dozens of studies have shown it reduces IQ in children and damages your brain. Despite that, this drug is so pervasive that over 40 percent of American teens between the ages of 12 and 15 show visible signs of overexposure.1

The drug in question is fluoride—which is added to a majority of municipal water supplies across the US. It’s also found in a number of other products, most notably toothpaste and other dental treatments.

Sodium fluoride—which is a far simpler toxin than the fluoride compounds used for most water fluoridation—has been used for rat and cockroach poisons, so there is no question that fluoride is toxic.

Drugging Without Consent

Many fail to realize that fluoride is indeed a drug, and as such it is grossly inappropriate for it to be indiscriminately added to water supplies, as there’s no way to control the dose. Contrary to popular but misguided belief, fluoride is NOT an essential nutrient, and there is simply no such thing as “fluoride deficiency.”

In fact, if you decided you wanted to take fluoride, you’d have to get a prescription for it, and that prescription would specify the recommended dosage. Yet fluoride is added to municipal water supplies reaching nearly 211 million Americans, including infants and the elderly.

As of 2012, more than 67 percent of Americans receive fluoridated water,2 up from 66 percent in 2010.3 Of those, more than 11 million people receive fluoride at or above what has been deemed the “optimal” level, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

With few exceptions, most other countries do not fluoridate their drinking water.4Any sensible person would probably end up asking the same question. It’s illegal and unethical for a medical doctor to give you a drug without specifying dosage and failing to monitor your health for side effects.

How can water authorities be permitted to add a drug—and one with known toxic potential at that—to your drinking water? Your local water authority has absolutely no way of knowing who in your household is drinking it, how much, and how it’s affecting you. On top of that, they never received medical consent from anyone…

Incontrovertible Evidence Shows Water Fluoridation Is a Bad Idea

Many are also wholly unfamiliar with the history of water fluoridation. Far from being a scientifically proven health booster, it actually began as a solution to fluoride pollution generated by the Atomic Bomb Program and the aluminum industry in the mid-1940s.

The disposal of chemical waste by diluting it into water supplies across the country was cleverly “sold” to dentists and the general masses as a preventive strategy for reducing tooth decay.

This mass poisoning strategy, originally devised to overcome the costly and difficult logistics of toxic waste disposal, has been heralded as one of the top 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.

They also believed this approach would ward off the threat of lawsuits from both farmers, whose crops and cattle were damaged by fluoride pollution and workers exposed to fluoride in the work place. In a sane world, public health policy would be based on sound and conclusive science. Unfortunately, that is not the case when it comes to water fluoridation.

In fact, despite overwhelming evidence demonstrating that swallowing fluoride is not an effective preventive strategy against tooth decay and may be causing significant health problems in many individuals, the practice of adding fluoride to municipal water supplies continues unabated.

Why does this practice continue when it flies in the face of all the current research? The answer to this question is just one of the countless shocking revelations featured in Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation.

The film, which features a Nobel Laureate in Medicine, scientists, dentists, medical doctors, and leading researchers in the field, reveals the science behind water fluoridation, the effects it has on your health, and why there is no logical or rational reason to continue fluoridating our water.

Would You Drink Shampoo to Clean Your Hair?

The only science that mildly supports the use of pharmaceutical-grade fluoride as a preventive against dental caries is topical use of fluoride (although even that is debatable, based on more recent findings).

There is really no scientific basis at all for ingesting fluoride to protect your teeth! In fact, when fluoride is taken internally, it actually damages your teeth, causing a condition known as dental fluorosis.

Outwardly visual signs of this condition include pitting and discoloration of your teeth. Today, 41 percent of American children between the ages of 12 and 14 have dental fluorosis.5 The consumption of fluoride has also been linked to:

Weakened bones and fatal bone cancer (osteosarcoma) Impaired mental development, lowered IQ, and dementia Gastrointestinal problems
Hyperactivity and/or lethargy Arthritic symptoms Kidney issues
Lowered thyroid function Chronic fatigue Disrupted immune system

This is what the science is telling us about the ramifications of fluoride ingestion. And, yet, rather than taking the precautionary approach and stopping fluoridation, policymakers continue to blindly forge ahead; refusing to give the scientific evidence the attention it deserves.

The CDC and ADA Warn Against Fluoridated Water for Infants

In November 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) sent out an email to its members, recommending parents to use no- or low-fluoride water to make infant formula. This was a very reasonable recommendation, because an average glass of fluoridated water contains 250 times more fluoride than breast milk. A few days later, the CDC6 followed suit, but neither of them openly warned the public.

In 2011, a panel convened by the ADA’s Council on Scientific Affairs issued an updated report and clinical recommendations78 on children’s fluoride intake from infant formula, which states that parents can continue using fluoridated water when reconstituting infant formula “while being cognizant of the potential risk for enamel fluorosis.” “When the potential risk for enamel fluorosis is a concern,” parents are advised to use fluoride-free water.

This still is not well-known however, so far from “being cognizant” of the risks, millions of parents are still using tap water to make up formula, completely oblivious to the potential ramifications. By fluoridating the municipal water supply, you doom many low income families to fail to protect their young children from this dangerous drug, even if they have this information, which most people do not.

Water Fluoridation—A Civil Rights Issue

Evidence suggests that minorities and low-income families are in fact being disproportionately harmed by water fluoridation, and two Atlanta Civil Rights leaders, Andrew Young and Reverend Dr. Gerald Durley have previously requested that Georgia legislators repeal the state’s mandatory water fluoridation law based on this fact. The reason why certain ethnic minorities may be disproportionately harmed is because fluoride’s toxicity appears to be exacerbated by:

  • Inadequate nutrition, including lower intakes of iodine and calcium. Certain racial groups are more likely to be lactose intolerant than others and may therefore consume less dairy (a primary source of calcium) and more water. Included among these are Central and East Asians, Native Americans, African Americans, and Southern Indians. Thus these groups may be more heavily exposed to fluoride in water and other beverages than are Caucasian Americans, and their calcium intakes may be compromised, which may further exacerbate toxicity.
  • Kidney dysfunction and diabetes, which are more prevalent among minorities than whites.
  • Inadequate supplies of vitamin C, vitamin Dmagnesium, and selenium.

According to CDC statistics,9 African American mothers are also the least likely to breastfeed their infants, compared to other ethnic groups. And while breast milk is very low in fluoride, infants fed formula mixed with fluoridated water may receive harmful amounts of fluoride. Water fluoridation was in fact a civil rights issue from the very beginning. Just take a look at this 1977 article in The Harvard Crimson10 and you’d think it was written today!

Virtually nothing has changed in the 37 years since that article was published, except for the emergence of additional research supporting fluoride opponents’ worst fears. Alveda King, niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. has also joined the fight against water fluoridation, stating on her blog:11

“This is a civil rights issue… No one should be subjected to drinking fluoride in their water, especially sensitive groups like kidney patients and diabetics, babies in their milk formula, or poor families that cannot afford to purchase unfluoridated water. Black and Latino families are being disproportionately harmed.” 

Get Informed, and Share What You Know

Knowledge is power, and you have the power to not only protect yourself, but also to help protect others once you know the truth. The United States is one of the few remaining developed countries in the world that still fluoridates a majority of its water supply. Don’t you agree it’s time for our policymakers to stop putting your and your family’s health at risk?

I strongly recommend viewing Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation. We can eliminate this harmful practice, but it’s going to take people like you to make it happen—so please watch the film to get the cold hard facts, and share it with everyone you know.

Dental Fluorodosis

For fifty years, fluoride has been added to municipal water across America. We’ve been told it makes our teeth stronger and prevents decay. In recent years we have learned that fluoride is actually industrial waste, that tests were never done by the FDA to assess its safety, and that its use in drinking water was first suggested by the Nazis as one of many means to dumb down society through ingestion of toxins. None of these revelations has resulted in its removal from our water supply, not when the mainstream belief that fluoride inhibits tooth decay remains firm.

A recent Fox News interview with dentist Gerald Curatola reveals a new threat from fluoride—fluoridosis. He states, “Forty one percent of adolescents age twelve to fifteen have some form of fluoridosis defects on their teeth. And this ironically makes the enamel of the teeth weaker, not stronger.”

Fluroidosis is caused by “over-exposure” to fluoride. Mild symptoms of fluoridosis are white spots on the teeth. Severe fluoridosis erodes the teeth. They become so soft, they crumble.

“…if this is what we can see the effects of fluoride are on the outside,” said Dr. Curatola, “you know, we start to question what the effects of fluoride are inside the body.”

Since some non-fluoridated communities report less tooth decay than fluoridated communities, perhaps new interest by legislators calling for a review of the fluoridation issue will result in safer water.

Flouride Dangers Addressed by Mainstream Media

Why does the CDC ask parents to use low fluoride or non-fluoridated water when mixing water with baby formula? Once again, it seems there is more to the story than we are being told…

Is our water decaying our teeth and damaging our bodies? CBS Atlanta recently interviewed Daniel Stocktin of the Lillie Center, a group whose sole mission is to remove fluoride from the public water supply. Stocktin warns of the known dangers associated with too much fluoride—dental fluorosis—and the unknown effects of the chemical on the soft tissues of the body. He warns that we ingest fluoride through water, food, and toothpaste and that it accumulates in the body.

Dental fluorosis is caused by the ingestion of too much fluoride. The first symptom is spotting on the teeth. More severe cases involve pits and holes in the enamel that resemble cavities. The worst cases involve severe erosion of the teeth.

The American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control continue to endorse water fluoridation, though they do admit excessive doses can be toxic. Both organizations declined to be interviewed by CBS Atlanta, instead referring the reporters to written information which Stoktin said is bad science and outdated.

Why does the CDC ask parents to use low fluoride or non-fluoridated water when mixing water with baby formula? Once again, it seems there is more to the story than we are being told, especially when recent data from the CDC states that two out of every five children have mild fluoridosis (spots on their teeth.

We want to applaud CBS Atlanta for taking on stories such as these. It is time for us to question all of the chemicals we breathe, put on our bodies, or ingest.

Sick Society

And the ramifications of the choices we make within our sick society

We live in a sick, sick society. And yes, I mean that literally as well as figuratively. We put toxins in our water through pollution and through fluoridation. We alter and process food until it doesn’t resemble its original components and loses all of its nutrition, then we put a little artificial nutrition back in before adding artificial coloring, preservatives, and flavorings to make it taste better and look inviting while increasing its shelf life.  We send our children to schools that feed them this processed garbage once or twice a day.

Most of us believe the FDA protects us, so we feed our children sugared cereal made from genetically modified corn for their breakfast along with pasteurized juice and milk from cows shot full of rBGH. Maybe we add a little fruit sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. For lunch our kids eat fast food with plenty of trans fats. Dinner comes out of a can, a box, or a frozen packet and is often irradiated. Oh and don’t forget the snacks: sugar filled sodas, cakes, cookies, and candy. We are raising a generation of children whose sugar and toxin intake negates their immune systems and their exposure to real foods is so negligible they cannot recognize or name most of our vegetables and fruits.

Next come the pharmaceuticals. We vaccinate our children with dirty, toxic vaccines. Our children get sick (need I repeat why?) and we treat their symptoms (not the cause) with over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs. Our children exhibit behavior and mental health problems. Rather than clean up their diets and detoxify their bodies, we give them more drugs. At some point we may not be given a choice. If our child has cancer or another serious disease or is diagnosed with a mental illness we may be forced by Child Protective Services or the courts to follow conventional treatment including chemotherapy or psychotropic drugs. If we choose not to vaccinate, we may be forced by law to comply.

Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and prescriptive, are marketed to us through television and print media. We are encouraged (brainwashed?) to improve our lives with the use of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, anti-depressive drugs, and stimulants. Our society demands that we be the best we can be through the use of these pills. And yet, cancer is at an all time high. ADHD, autism, and Alzheimer’s are epidemic.

We are cogs in the wheel of the 21st century economic machine. Wherever we turn, the typical American lifestyle is ruled by the interests of big business: the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the health care industry. Poor health is a profitable outcome for all three. Processed food is cheap to buy and cheaper to make. It yields enormous profits. Factory farming is profitable. Huge farming enterprises raising crops with chemicals on land stripped of nutrients are profitable. Pharmaceuticals are criminally profitable. The medical industry is fed by illness and married to pharmaceuticals. The cycle goes round and round. And the powers that be continue in their efforts to shut down naturopathic treatments including the sale of vitamins and supplements.

The strange thing is, this same diseased society that embraces conventional treatment is punitive and vengeful to those who use these prescription drugs. Are you aware that the use of a prescription drug may be the deciding factor of whether you spend the next fifteen to twenty years in prison if you are involved in a fatal accident? Even though you took that drug as prescribed?

In the State of Georgia, drivers involved in fatal crashes can be charged with a misdemeanor, second degree homicide by vehicle or with a felony, first degree homicide by a vehicle.  If charged in the second degree, the driver can face up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine. If charged with first degree, the driver faces three to fifteen years (or up to twenty if the offender is found to be habitual).

So what constitutes a first degree crime in this instance? The law includes cases of death involving fleeing a police officer, failure to stop for a school bus, hit and run, previously being declared a habitual offender, reckless driving, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Again, drugs don’t have to be illegal drugs nor do prescription drugs have to be abused. If you take a prescription drug and are involved in a fatal accident, you could be in trouble.

Michael Edwards (editor-in-chief) met a man who was sentenced to ten years in prison due to a sleeping pill prescription. He hadn’t taken the medication for several days before the accident, but the medication was the basis for a first degree charge. A recent case was bumped up to first degree when it was learned that the driver was prescribed Adderol for ADD.

We have a choice, a huge choice. We can continue to be a cog in the wheel or we can choose health—real health. We can eat real food, unadulterated, organic fruits and vegetables. Organic grains. Organic meats and raw dairy. We  have to fight to keep these foods available. We have to care about the foods given to children in our schools. We have to demand our rights to refuse medications, to choose whether or not to vaccinate, to demand, at the very least, that vaccinations be pure, that they are not tainted with mercury or other toxic substances. We have to demand that pharmaceutical companies are held responsible if they fail to provide safe vaccinations and medications.

The incarceration rate is obscene and rising. Justice has become a joke in this country. Once upon a time, an accident was an accident. A painful, horrific reality for a driver who lost control of a vehicle. Today, an accident is an opportunity to incarcerate someone, even if there was no negligence, criminal intent, or criminal wrongdoing.

When you choose your lifestyle, look at the whole picture. Which do you choose? If you choose an unhealthy lifestyle maintained through pills, be aware that your choices may sentence you to years in prison if, God forbid, the worst happens. An accident may be just that—an accident. Your choices are not.