More Bad News For Sugar – Research Confirms it is a Leading Cause of Heart Disease
(NaturalNews – John Phillip) Just in case you needed yet another reason to stay away from added dietary sugar sources, nutritional scientists now confirm that our obsession with consuming sweets is killing us by dramatically increasing risk of death from… [read]
What’s the Deal with Citric Acid: The One Ingredient Found in Almost Every Food Product You Buy
(NaturalNews – Zach C. Miller) Ever wondered why citric acid is listed in almost every food or drink ingredient label? This little product is found in everything from iced tea to hummus and organic salsa. Let’s take a look at… [read]
Processed Milk is BAD for Your Bones – We’ve all been ‘White-Washed’
(NaturalNews – S. D. Wells) Most milk does a body BAD, not good, but it’s the biggest lies that are more likely to be believed, and there are myths that refuse to die. So, in the name of good health,… [read]
5 Reasons to Avoid Factory-Farmed Fish
(DrFrankLipman – Frank Lipman) While it may seem like a modern invention, “aquaculture,” has been around for ages – man has been “farming” fish in net enclosures, ponds, vats, urns and even woven baskets for thousands of years. More recently… [read]