Stop the Holiday Blues Before They Start

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, a time for families to come together, a time of celebration and fun. For far too many, the holidays are anything but fun. They are a time of overwork, stress, emotional pain, financial difficulty, weight gain, sleep deprivation, and all around misery.

Somewhere along the way we forgot the number one gift of adulthood: adults get to decide what to do and when to do it. Isn’t that what we yearned for throughout childhood?

Yes, this right is mitigated by the needs of others, especially children. But needs are one thing; desires are another. Too often, as adults, we make decisions based on the desires of others – what they want, not what they need. And when we do that, we give no consideration to our own wants and needs.

Before you fall into the holiday trap, sit down and decide what you want to do this year.

  • Do you want to spend the holiday away with extended family?
  • Do you want to go on vacation?
  • Do you want to stay home?
  • Do you want to invite company?
  • Do you want to cook or eat out?
  • How much do you want to spend on gifts?

If you have a partner, have your partner do the same. Compare lists. If your lists do not align, this is where you compromise.

Our parents often want all of their kids home for the holidays. Once we marry or commit ourselves to a partner, this tradition won’t work for us if both sets of parents have the same expectations. Scrambling from one family dinner to the other can make Christmas a dreaded holiday. Do you alternate each year? Choose one in-law over the other? Why not check in with your brothers and sisters and see if any of them are feeling the same way?

Here is the big question… Is it time to start your own tradition?

For many, these extended family obligations are at the root of our holiday stress. For others, the exact opposite is true. Being alone through the holidays – not having family, can be painful and isolating.

Again, you are in change. What do you want to do?

If you have no plans for Christmas, consider volunteering you time to a worthy cause. Not only will you help others, you’ll help yourself.

If depression is an issue for you, don’t let the holidays exacerbate your condition. You may benefit from having a B complex on hand; pop a few when the stress feels overwhelming. Keep Candida at bay with lots of garlic, raw vegetables, and supplements that help balance the intestines. Don’t wait; exercise like you already started your New Year’s resolutions.

The two most important steps you can take from a physical standpoint is to balance your hormones and balance your inner eco-system. Also, check out the first few sources for effective natural remedies for depression.

Recommended Supplements:
Further Reading: