I am feeling fabulous. Lounging in a jazz bar like a sophisticated cat, I am tasting all the flavors of the finest chocolate: orange, mint, cinnamon. I wonder which one is the most delicious and will delight my senses more. Let’s see…
Mint…mmm… It awakens my senses like a fresh morning breeze, reanimates my spirit, and puts me into a dynamic mood. The Antics said it aroused lustful feelings and in combination with chocolate it’s certainly true.
Let’s go on. Orange! My favorite! It embodies the sun, it’s a condensation of energy and information, and when it gets inside us it shines and radiates all its healing power concentrated in the form of vitamin C, a wonder that makes your skin glow. So let us shine, I say!
It’s difficult to get past the luscious and vibrant sensation of orange in my mouth so I taste a little more, this time with a little cinnamon added. Exquisite flavor, especially for this time of the year. Cinnamon, the spice from which Phoenix builds its nest. It was used in many early remedies such as Royal Unguent. To the Chinese, it was a panacea. In Medieval Europe, it was considered to be an aphrodisiac. Ooh, and if you combine that with the raw feminine energy of the chocolate, you do feel like a goddess.
Of course, you already knew that the Greek name for cocoa means “food of the gods.” So the whole idea that “chocolate is bad for you” is a misconception (probably a carryover from the Middle Ages when pleasure was considered a sin). It’s healthy. It’s divine. It’s a gift from gods. It is even used by shamans for magical ceremonies. Wow !
The idea is that when you buy chocolate, please make sure that the cocoa content is as high as possible (min.75%), and that it doesn’t contain that nasty hydrogenated vegetable fat that spoils our beloved chocolate. Because chocolate can and should be healthy. It can be raw, it can be vegan, it can be a superfood.
So if you want to get all the benefits, taste the flavors I did, and feel fabulous, you have two options.
The first is to make it yourself. My favorite recipe is invented by me and it goes something like this:
Mix in a bowl…
- 4-5 spoons of cocoa
- 1-2 spoons of coconut oil,
- 1 spoon of raw honey
- one handful of crushed raw (unpasteurized) almonds, or chopped mint leaves, or orange peel with a hint of cinnamon.
Pour it into heart shaped forms and refrigerate for one hour. And here you go! Lovely, healthy chocolate for you to enjoy together with your loved ones.
Of course, if you don`t have time, the second option is to buy. The guys from Raw Chocolate Love have an amazing, healthy chocolate – all the flavors I tasted and more. Handmade, raw, dairy-free, guilt-free and made with love (vitamin L). I whole-heartedly recommend.
Recommended Reading:
- Three Homemade Toothpaste Recipes – Better Oral Health for Less Cost
- 80% Raw Food Diet
- Inexpensive Easy Detox, – The One Gallon Challenge
- Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties Oranges – GreenMedInfo
- Spiritual Benefits of Chocolate – Soul Discovery
- Fragrance and Well-being – Jennifer Peace Rhind