A new study by a group of researchers has further shown the damages of Glyphosate on honeybees at or below recommended levels. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup.
The research was published in Scientific Reports, and conducted by researchers associated with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing and the Chinese Bureau of Landscape and Forestry.
Honeybees were found to be significantly impaired after being exposed to Roundup, indicating that exposure to Roundup may “negatively affect the search and collection of resources and the coordination of foraging activities” by the honeybees. The climbing ability of the bees was also negatively affected after exposure to Roundup.
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The researchers said there is a need for a “reliable herbicide spraying early warning system” in rural areas of China because beekeepers in those areas are “usually not informed before herbicides are sprayed” and “frequent poisoning incidents of honeybees” occur.
New study examines Roundup herbicide impact on honeybees
This is not the first study of its kind. Many studies have shown the negative effects of Roundup. Roundup has done significant damage to all aspects of the environment.