More Celebrities Speaking Out Against Vaccines
Celebrities don’t always lend their voice to political debates; after all, they are likely to alienate some of their fan base. There are some issues that hit so close to home that as mothers, fathers, and concerned citizens celebrities speak out, regardless of how controversial and divisive the issue may be. The rise of medical tyranny in America has been promoting more celebrities to speak out against vaccines and to speak out against vaccine mandates.
Have you read part one yet? Check out Celebrities Who Have Spoken Out Against Vaccines, and also see what Doctors and Scientists have to say about vaccines as well.
Chuck Norris
While most mainstream news covers presidential campaigns or economic conditions, the feds are going under the radar and your skin – literally – with something that could be detrimental to your children’s and your health. And news just broke about the cover-up, but few, if any, agencies passed along the wire.
…But the truth is, as the NAA reports, “There are over 1,500 studies and papers documenting the hypoallergenicity and toxicity of thimerosal (ethylmercury) have existed for decades,” with most recent research revealing commonness of speech delays and tics. The NAA added, “Recent studies have confirmed the association between the use of thimerosal and autism has moved from ‘biologically plausible’ [in 2001] to a ‘biological certainty.’”
…But the facts are, according to a recent PRNewswire report, despite that thimerosal is not used in vaccines for measles, mumps, oral polio, yellow fever or tuberculosis, it is still found in in many diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and influenza (or flu) vaccines, especially in Third-World countries.
… Dr. Jose Dorea, professor of nutritional sciences from the Universidad de Brasilia, hit the health nail right on the head when he recently said, “The evidence continues to mount that mercury in vaccines is not safe, that negative effects happen even with vaccine levels of exposure. We must end the use of thimerosal as soon as possible. No pregnant mother or child should have to trade getting mercury injected into them for the prevention of an infectious disease.”
So buyer, beware! Or should I say, booster, beware! Don’t check your brain in at the door of your family’s health, nutrition or medical care. And don’t ever be afraid to ask the hard questions of your health practitioners, like, “What are the exact ingredients in that syringe?”
It is your health, and they are your children, entrusted to you by God, so be bold in ensuring their safety and welfare. You still have the constitutional right to refuse any health care you deem unnecessary.
Kirstie Alley
Kirstie Alley made her opinions on mandatory vaccines known by her Twitter account.
NO on SB277…no no no…protect your rights to CHOOSE the vaccines your kids and YOU have…they are NOT all HARMLESS…Ur kids,Ur choice
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) June 19, 2015
HOT TOPIC..ouch ouch…through the fire @JerryBrownGov …veto SB2777…ouch ouch ouch
— Kirstie Alley (@kirstiealley) June 29, 2015
Jenna Elfman
OK, HERE’S THE DEAL: Please sign this petition to Governor Jerry Brown.
There is NO situation in CA that requires a…Posted by JENNA ELFMAN on Sunday, June 28, 2015
Selma Blair
In reference to a tweet asking Selma if she would send Governor Brown a postcard about not passing SB 277, she tweeted,
Miranda Bailey
As vaccine mandates are increasing every years and healthcare workers live with the threat that they will be fired if they don’t get a flu shot, it is essential for Americans to educate themselves about our loss of informed consent rights. We need adequate scientific research and clinical evidence for any public health policy, not an attack on personal belief or medical exemptions to vaccination by special interest groups, which benefit pharmaceutical companies. It is time for a true, unbiased investigation into vaccine science, policy, ethics, and law. – Vaccine Epidemic (cover quote)
Erin Brockovich
My kids, my grand-kids and I are all #vaccinated but I'll be damned if any government is going to tell me what to put in my or kids bodies
— Erin Brockovich (@ErinBrockovich) June 25, 2015
"Let me tell ya something" @JimCarrey is right!! – I'm pro vaccine but anti government mandate – do not tell us what to put in our bodies
— Erin Brockovich (@ErinBrockovich) July 1, 2015
We should vaccinate but these laws aren't about health they are about $$ look how many CA legislators took $$ from @Merck @JimCarrey #SB277
— Erin Brockovich (@ErinBrockovich) July 1, 2015
IT’S ABOUT PRESERVING PARENTAL CHOICE.There are movements in almost every…
Posted by Erin Brockovich on Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Danny Masterson
Hi friends. Help me fight california fascism and sign this petition. No one tells us how to live am I right?!!!
— danny masterson (@dannymasterson) June 29, 2015
I'm 100% proVaccine. No FUCKING way does the govt tell me what to do to my child. disgusting. NO #SB277 #CanPAN
— danny masterson (@dannymasterson) May 18, 2015
Hello california! Let's be punk rock and say fuck the system and NO @drpanmd #bigpharma #CanPAN for #SB277
— danny masterson (@dannymasterson) May 7, 2015
RFK Jr and @TraceAmounts are hitting up every state that is trying to take away our rights. #GoMercuryFree #flushot
— danny masterson (@dannymasterson) April 2, 2015
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg has some colorful, choice words to describe his thoughts and feelings on vaccines; explicit language warning.
“Fuck that, I’m not getting no flu shots cause its flu season. Nigga, I’m going to take my some fucking lemons, some honey, and oranges. Nigga, grandma gots the remedy. Holla at yo grandma, nigga. Holla at someone old in your family. You don’t need that shot, they shooting some shit in yo ass. I’m cool. I don’t want none of that. I’m straight. I think they shooting, shooting some control in you, some shit to take control of you. When they have your mind, body, and soul, they going to slow you down a bit. I don’t trust it. I’m cool.”
Esai Morales
In response to someone commenting on an interview that he’s on the wrong side of the vaccine debate:
No, Andres. You are. You really need to study their actual history and why we even have had exemptions to begin with for so long and what actually drove the draconian legislation that now removes all crucial parental rights over a policy ostensibly in the public interest but mostly serving the private backers of this lucrative practice with zero liability for its product; even if it is proven to kill or maim you or your child as is done again and again and again using specially formed and secret ‘vaccine courts’. I can see why you’d think the way you do for I did too… until I did some major digging and found where the conflicts of interests really lied, and boy how they lied. wink emoticon
Irrefutable proof that influenza vaccines routinely given to pregnant women still contain mercury. (Twitter)
To those who want to be informed, the truth about vaccines is out there. If the government seeks to force medications on the population then we owe it to ourselves to know everything about these pharmaceuticals and to learn both sides of the vaccine debate.
- If vaccines are so effective then why would they have to be mandatory in order for them to work?
- Why must we get boosters for the same shot over and over again, only to catch the disease that the vaccine was supposed to prevent anyway?
- If vaccines are so safe, why can’t vaccine manufacturers be sued for damages caused by their product?
Esai Morales and many of these other celebrities took the time to do some major digging. Ultimately this research changed his mind about vaccines. If enough of us learn the truth, we can be set free from medical tyranny. Our health and our freedoms are too important to entrust to the care of others.
Further Reading:
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Doctors Against Vaccines – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research
- A Burden of Guilt – Learning About Vaccine Dangers the Hard Way
- Why Antivaxxers Don’t Vaccinate