Foria, a California company, has found a way to combine two of this today’s biggest issues -women’s rights and marijuana – into one tiny item: a suppository.
Oddly enough, the meeting of these issues has resulted in a treatment that’s better than ibuprofen for PMS and menstrual discomfort. The suppository, marketed under the name Relief, consists of organic and biodynamic THC and CBD (the active cannabinoids in the product) and organic cocoa butter. THC and CBD have been chosen for their ability to relax the nerve endings in the pelvis and surrounding areas while blocking out pain and soothing inflammation. The jury is out on whether Foria’s product is able to regulate hormones to the point that PMS is alleviated permanently, but women looking for an alternative to damaging ibuprofen, antidepressants, or synthetic hormones could do worse than use the THC and CBD in Foria’s suppositories for cramps, mood swings, and other menstruation issues.
Why You Can
Long-term use of antidepressants and pharmaceuticals with synthetic hormones impedes the body’s ability to produce its own hormones, and prolonged use of ibuprofen can cause kidney and liver damage. Herbal remedies like chaste tree berry, cohosh, dandelion root, and wild yam have been shown to relieve PMS symptoms.
Marijuana’s primary PMS relief comes from its status as an antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, and anti-anxiety substance. Foria’s Relief has found that these qualities result in a significant reduction in cramps and other menstruation issues. In contrast to conventional PMS relievers, the amount of cannabis used in Foria’s Relief is not enough to disrupt estrogen levels.
Why You Can’t
Sounds like it’s worth a try, doesn’t it? But here’s the bad news: you can’t get it unless you live in Colorado or California. There’s also the issue of price and it’s not clear how long the suppository works. At 11 dollars for each one, they have the potential to be rather expensive. There is also the issue of drug tests. While medical marijuana is legal is CA and all marijuana is legal in CO, people working jobs that require negative drug tests will have to be careful about their usage.
The Messy Details
Foria is in a unique position with this product – a new frontier, if you will, in marijuana medication. Inserting medications rather than ingesting them has the potential for its own problems, although the company is being transparent with their growing process and quality controls. Not everyone can afford or attain this product. But this is an interesting development in using marijuana as medicine, and with the current flux state of marijuana policy, it pays to be prepared.
Recommended Reading:
- Recent Twin Studies Show Marijuana Is Not Responsible For Adolescent Cognitive Decline
- Marijuana Laws by State
- Mental Health, Physical Health & B Vitamins – Nature’s Valium
- Smoking Marijuana to Cure Cancer
- Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
- Understand Hypothyroidism – Prevention and Natural Remedies
- Gluten, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases
- Cannabis Suppositories Actually Exist and They’ll Cure Your Cramps and Pain – Green Rush Daily
- Frequently Asked Questions – Foria
- Marijuana Laws By State – Organic Lifestyle Magazine