The tester for Doc Shillington’s Tooth and Gum Formula is a middle age woman who has suffered from severe and persistent gum disease for many years. Her gums had seriously receded. After four weeks of using Doc’s Tooth and Gum Formula, she reports the following:
I am a skeptic. The claims for this formula seemed too good to be true. They weren’t. Doc Shillington’s Tooth and Gum Formula is miraculous.
My gums had receded to the point the roots of seven of my upper teeth were fully exposed and several of my teeth were loose. A few of my lower roots were exposed as well.
I followed Doc’s recommendation, using salt and baking soda as a toothpaste then rinsing with his formula. Now, weeks later, not one tooth is loose. None of the roots of my lower teeth are exposed and all of the upper gums have significantly improved—at least half of the exposure is gone on each tooth. Most are near normal.
There has been another unexpected change. Food, especially lettuce and spinach, stuck to my teeth. It seemed that my enamel had worn away. Now my teeth are slick again; my tongue slides over them and food doesn’t stick. I love this formula! Available at Green Lifestyle Market.