Doc’s Eye Bright formula is a must for every “medicine” chest. Eye infections are dangerous. Though pinkeye is usually a viral infection, secondary bacterial infections are common and they can eat right through eye tissue in a matter of hours.
We learned about the efficacy of eyebright for eye infections years ago. We used eyebright tea to flush the eyes when pinkeye reared its ugly head, and discovered that all symptoms disappeared in hours rather than days (as with conventional medicine), but in recent years we have only been able to find loose tea and it was very difficult to strain all the tiny pieces of leaves and stems. This is not a problem with Doc’s formula.
Doc’s formula is excellent. It does burn for a minute when you first use it, and though we have not had the “opportunity” to use it with an infection, it immediately clears the vision, sharpening focus. We will continue to use it to see if it eliminates floaters and improves vision. We’ll report back in few months.
Click here for Shillington’s Eyebright Formula.