Although typical deodorants and any antiperspirants are toxic to skin, antiperspirants are much more dangerous to women. Reports vary as to why; some link the increased risk to the fact that women shave their armpits and therefore cancer-causing substances in antiperspirants are absorbed through razor nicks. Other reports say that women sweat differently and not as effectively on the breast area as men do. The sweat has nowhere to go so it builds up into infectious lumps under the skin around the breasts. These lumps can and often do turn cancerous.
Many so called credible organizations such as the American Cancer Society say that there is no findings or evidence to support this claim. But we don’t really consider them credible, so… We prefer to use common sense. Your body releases much of its toxins through sweat. If you do not allow your body to sweat, where do the toxins go?
It is a little known fact that the very healthy do not have body odor. Believe it or not, your natural smell is a very good indicator of your overall health