In a recent conversation Dr. Tim O’Shea said, “I learned a long time ago, almost everyone who is sick is coming to me for the ‘magic bullet’. They’re saying, ‘Doc, what can you give me, so that I won’t feel this anymore? So I can go about my life continuing my destructive habits and unhealthy lifestyle?’”
Most of us know there are many herbs, supplements, and treatments for everything from the common cold to cancer. Vitamin C and zinc can help reduce the length and severity of a cold. Vitamin E can kill warts. Apple cider vinegar will knock out a sore throat. Quick fixes do have a place. But magic bullets and quick fixes don’t make us healthy. They don’t reverse diabetes. They don’t cure cancer.
We can continue to live destructive lifestyles and run to the doctor when symptoms of disease become uncomfortable or unbearable. We can accept a diagnosis of an “incurable” or “chronic” disease. Or we can choose health. We can choose to make a radical change in lifestyle.
We agree with Raymond Francis when he says, “There is one disease – malfunctioning cells. There are two causes – lack of nutrition and toxicity.” It really is that simple.
If you’ve been sick for a long time or you are extremely toxic, consider the aid of a naturopathic practitioner. You will probably benefit from some direction and may need supplements to regain your health. But remember, no one else can do it for you. No one can give you the magic bullet. It doesn’t exist.
If you choose health, you need to detox. You need to feed your body nutrient-dense, organic food. You need to choose an organic lifestyle.
Michael Edwards
Editor in Chief