Live in the Now
Start paying attention to what is happening in this very moment. Live consciously and turn off the autopilot.
Breathe Deeply
Pay attention to your breathing. Breathe deeply by expanding your abdomen as you inhale.
Every morning and/or every night, take some time to focus on the “now” and your breathing.
Learn One New Raw Food Recipe Every Week
If you are just learning to eat more raw fresh fruits and vegetables, it may seem as though there is not much to choose from other than salads and carrot sticks. There are thousands of raw recipes out there! Just try one new recipe every week.
You might not like every new dish, but it’s fun. If your family is afraid to try new things, like raw pumpkin pie, or raw avocado salad, try to get them involved. If everyone has input in choosing a raw recipe and they all help prepare it, they may be much more open minded and appreciative.
Reduce TV Time
You can pick your shows and schedule your TV time to ensure you are not mindlessly watching television and wasting time. If you want to turn on the tube when it’s not your scheduled time, that’s the time to pick up a book or meditate.
Read Ingredients
Most people are more concerned with what they put in their cars than what they put in their bodies. Start reading any and all ingredients of everything you eat that comes in a package or container.
Reading the USDA recommended daily percentages is not reading ingredients!
It doesn’t matter that a food has no sugar if it has artificial sweetners and other chemicals.
If you don’t know what something is, look it up. You’ll become familiar with those hard to pronounce ingredients in no time.
Expand Your Vocabulary by Signing Up For One New Word a Day
Check out and sign up to receive an email with a new word everyday. Or go to to see their word of the day,. You can start sounding like you think you’re better than everybody else in no-time!
Start a realistic workout program
It may just be 10 minutes of yoga in the morning and a walk around the block in the evening, but choose something you know you can stick with and build on. A realistic workout program is better than a radical approach that will be forgotten quickly.
Get Enough Sleep
This is a tough one, but one that will pay you back in dividends. And more importantly, get quality sleep (check out our August issue).
Vow to improve Yourself Every Week
Why is it that people rarely consider self-improvement the other 364 days of the year? Why not pick a new resolution every week or every month? If you only picked one resolution this year, this should be it!