- Have your Total Nutrition (click here for recipe to make your own), Udo’s Oil, and one or two raw, organic eggs every day (I call this the Green Dragon Recipe). This “highest grade fuel” gives your body the necessary building blocks so that it will start correcting itself. It will help you create and maintain excellent health.
- Keep your intestines cleansed and purified. Intestinal cleansing will not only detoxify your body, it will also ensure there are no stoppages in the surrounding organs. It is important to keep your body’s flows moving efficiently, and the place to start is the bowel. This is vital.
- Eat only organic foods, especially when it comes to meats. Commercial meats are loaded full of hormones, antibiotics, and steroids. Commercial vegetables are saturated with pesticides and due to modern day fertilizing and growing practices have very little nutrition in them. Use only organic body care products on your skin and hair.
- When it comes to grains, seeds, nuts, and beans, eat only those products that have been sprouted! All other methods of preparation leave you with enzyme inhibitors that will make you fat and unhealthy. Stay away from all soy. Until this industry cleans up its act, it is best to drop it from your diet altogether.
- If you don’t own a juicer, buy one and use it daily. Juicing is an excellent tool to aid in detoxing and for putting concentrated nutrition into your body. Get a slow juicer.
- While keeping all the above in, and until you reach a state of excellent health, you should do my entire Total Body Cleanse Program at least twice a year. Three times is best if you can manage it.
- Exercise every day! The best exercise I know of is running (Running Without Knee Pain). The next best is rebounding on a mini trampoline. Both of these workouts will exercise every cell in your body. This is absolutely essential to keeping the flows going. Start off with walking if that’s all you can handle, but eventually work up to a minimum of forty-five minutes of hard exercise each day. Work up a real sweat.
- Stop watching television and reading newspapers. You don’t eat garbage. Why allow it into your mind? TV is one of the main causes of juvenile delinquency and low personal production.
- Wear cotton, silk, hemp, and other all-natural fibers. Synthetic clothes can prevent your skin from breathing properly and can toxify your body.
- Cook your food only in stainless steel, cast iron, or glass. Never cook in aluminum!
- Drink only distilled water or purified water from a top notch purifier.
- Start each day by acknowledging to yourself what a great person you are.
- Help someone else every day. Help a child.
- Do your part. Take responsibility for the earth by helping to keep it clean and toxin free. Recycle!
- Create a garden and grow some flowers, fruits, and vegetables. Plant a tree once a month.
- Put all your possessions in order and permanently get rid of those things you don’t need or want. Do a complete cleaning and reorganization of your living space so that it is neat and orderly.
- Connect with your favorite groups and get involved. Continue learning new things and expanding your horizons. Make some new friends.
- Laugh and have fun.
- And last, but not least, LOVE!
Recommended Reading:
- Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
- Gluten, Candida, Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Autoimmune Diseases
- Hypothyroidism – Natural Remedies, Causes, and How To Heal the Thyroid
- How to Cure Lyme Disease, and Virtually Any Other Bacterial Infection, Naturally