How much sleep do we need to be at optimum health? I’ve heard about people who say they are perfectly healthy and only get a few hours of sleep a night. I find that sometimes I need only 4 hours and sometimes 10, but I usually want 7-8.
RAYMOND FRANCIS: Good quality sleep is essential to human health. This is when we repair and rejuvenate the body. Losing even one night of good sleep will depress your immune system and impair mental function. How much sleep you need depends on many factors including your age, amount of physical activity and genetic makeup. The quality of your sleep is very important. Light sleep or interrupted sleep is not as good as uninterrupted deep sleep. If your sleep is of good quality, 7 to 8 hours appears to be adequate for most adults.
Fortunately, you seem to be listening to your body and giving it the amount of sleep it asks for. There is no set formula, so continue to do what you are doing—give your body what it wants.
Hair Regrowth
Hey, Organic Lifestyle! Love the magazine! I have a question. My hair is thinning. I’ve considered Rogaine and other chemical hair regrowth options, but I’m the kind of guy who tries not to put any unnecessary chemicals into my body. And I’m only 33! Are there any natural remedies that I can use to regrow my hair?
DR. TIM OSHEA ANSWERS: Hi Jason,Hair growth remedies are right up there with Viagra promises and eternal love propositions on the Internet. While male pattern baldness is influenced by body type, ethnicity, and hereditary characteristics, there are two natural components that can make a significant difference.
The first is collagen, which is the principal protein of which hair is made. As we age, collagen production falls way off, which is why skin and muscles have that floorward tendency. Doctors call this ptosis. This is the same reason why wavy hair flattens out into straighter hair as time goes by. Collagen supplementation can have a significant effect.
The other issue is nutrient minerals. It is a well known fact that America’s topsoil is depleted.
Produce contains only a fraction of the minerals it contained 100 years ago, and most Americans have been mineral deficient for most of their lives. Minerals are also necessary for the growth of strong, healthy hair strands.
Sorry, Jason, no magic bullets here. Since the time of patent medicines, the promise of hair restoration continues to be a huge market, now growing larger as the toxic American diet accelerates the thinning process.
For more information about collagen and minerals visit www.thedoctorwithin.com.
My brother had his newborn twins vaccinated recently. I could not talk him out of it, but he does want to know what he can do to minimize the damage done, and reduce any possible side effects. The twins are only 4 months old.
Dear Stephanie,
This is a problem I have been lecturing on for the past 10 years. The first thing I have learned is that you cannot take responsibility for another’s health, especially a family member. My goal is to promote informed consent. If parents choose to vaccinate, they have a responsibility to at least find out what vaccines are from a scientific standpoint, not from the people making their living selling vaccines. This is the precise subject of my 2008 book the Sanctity of Human Blood, 12th edition.
But I think you were really asking about how to detox the deadly contaminants once the child has been vaccinated. This is a complicated question, and an area full of hype and misdirection. I have a full day seminar which deals with the program for optimizing the health and immune system of vaccine damaged children by chelating the aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, ethylene glycol, etc. from the child’s blood and tissues. For the complete story look at the chapters called The Last Resort and The 60 Day program, on my site.
Christmas Tree
Should I get a fake Christmas tree or a real one?
OLM ANSWERS: Artificial trees consume significant energy and petroleum-based materials during their manufacture. Most artificial trees are made from vinyl – the most toxic, least recyclable plastic there is.
If you buy a real tree from a tree farm, as most do, the forests aren’t hurt by choosing a cut tree. Also, be sure to recycle your tree, or you could get a potted tree and plant it after Christmas.
Eye Sight
I am in my mid fifties. I currently use one pair of glasses for reading, one for the computer, and one for driving. I go with out glasses much of the time, and use them only when necessary, but lately I am finding it very difficult to drive at night, glasses or not. I understand detoxifying, nutrition, and working towards better health (but I have a ways to go). In the meantime, what can I do to improve my night vision, or at least keep it from continuing to deteriorate?
DR. SHILLINGTON ANSWERS: Allie , My Eyebright formula will help with the eyes and stop any further deterioration from happening. Ideally when done with a cleanse (detox), you’ll find the best results. Lastly, I’d not spend so much time in front of the computer. This can really hamper the eyes over a period of years.
Eyebright Eyewash Formula: Suggested use: 1 – 10 drops in an eye cup full of distilled water morning and evening
- Euphrasia officinalis
- Rubus idaeus
- Hydrastis Canadensis
- Myrica cerifera
- Capsicum frutescens; Capsicum minimum
Use base of standard alcohol/distilled water options. When putting a label, date and initials on the jar, tape a note on the lid that says “add 1/8 cup DMSO after pressing.”
The last step of the pressing process should be to filter the solution through the pressing cloth. Since this goes into the eye, all herb particles must be removed. After pressing add: 1/4 cup DMSO
I love almonds, but I have read in OLM that the ones I get are pasteurized. Does soaking them remove the enzyme inhibitors even though they are pasteurized?
Pasteurized almonds will NOT sprout. The pasteurization process kills the nut and the enzymes and leaves the enzyme inhibitors intact.
Only Organic Raw Almonds will do the trick here.
Email your questions to questions [at] organicmail.net. Questions may be edited for clarity or length.