The holidays are here—a time for family, friends, food, and, unfortunately, sickness. Colds and flus are common, and everyone blames them on the colder weather. But many alternative health care practitioners say the weather has nothing to do with germs, since germs are everywhere at all times. Some go so far as to say that you can’t “catch” a cold. Try telling that to a mom who just put her child in preschool or daycare. Too often the whole family will fight one infection after another.
You can “catch” a cold. They are certainly contagious. And while germs are everywhere at all times, I believe it is true that when your body is subjected to a significant climate change and other stress factors (such as in-laws visiting for Thanksgiving, or a tight budget and a Christmas shopping list), your immune system can become vulnerable. And if your immune system is vulnerable, you are more likely to “catch” something if you come in contact with a high concentration of a virus or bacteria.
There are many factors involved in getting sick. But one of those factors is always a lack of nutrition and/or an accumulation of toxins (and the two are typically one and the same). I will not get sick this holiday season. I also doubt very much that Dr. Kelly, Dr. Shillington, Eric Harr, or most of our other regular contributors will “catch” anything, either. While my opinion does differ from that of many alternative health care practitioners with regard to the issue of weather changes, I’m sure we agree you have to have the right breeding ground—a compromised immune system.
An easy way to compromise your immune system (the most common way, especially this time a year) is to eat candy, desserts, processed and refined foods, and to drink alcohol.
I will certainly partake in many of the holiday traditions which include eating and drinking some foods and beverages that are not good for me, but I will limit them. I will choose carefully, and most importantly, I will listen to my body. When you are eating something bad for you, you can feel it in your mouth and your throat and then in your stomach. You will feel the first signs of sickness in your throat and sinuses. Your sense of smell will heighten and everything will smell stale, and that’s when you can really tell if something is not good for you. Right before you get sick, your body will let you know if it doesn’t want something. Don’t ignore it.
I will also have echinacea and Total Tonic on hand at all times, and I will have Bio-gest and Vitälzym (digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes). I will also be sure to continue to get optimal amounts of nutrition from both the foods I eat and my multivitamin/mineral supplementation.
Health is not so much a goal as it is a series of choices that one makes while carefully listening to the body.
Michael Edwards
Editor in Chief