I came up with the concept of Organic Lifestyle Magazine about 4 ½ years ago. When I talked about it, people really didn’t get it. “Why digital? No one reads that stuff!” and “Organic lifestyle? What the heck is an organic lifestyle? Like, tree hugging, granola eating stuff? Good luck!” People didn’t think it would be popular. Today is a very different time in some ways. More people than ever care about the environment and health. People are taking interest in self education. People are not so quick to take the word of a so-called expert without doing their own research. I thank Al Gore for getting people interested in protecting our environment, and I thank the Bush administration for making people distrustful of what they are told by government and major corporations like pharmaceutical companies and oil companies. I also thank people like Mike Adams, the Health Ranger at www.healthranger.org, and Graham Hill, founder of www.treehugger.com, for their part in making truthful information so easily accessible on the Internet. And I will go ahead and thank Al Gore again (for those of you who don’t know, he did play a large role in creating the Internet as we know it today). We have a long way to go, but I do see a lot of progress. What if we quit thinking there is only one way to do things? What if surgeons weren’t so quick to take out a kidney? What if medical doctors weren’t so quick to prescribe an antibiotic? What if acupuncturists and chiropractors got together and researched why their methods work for some patients and not for others? What if you were in a car wreck and before you were taken into surgery you were given a massive dose of easily assimilable systemic enzymes and an IV of natural antibiotics, the kind you’d find in healthy supplements? And what if an acupuncture specialist was your anesthesiologist who eliminated or reduced your pain so anesthesia and pain killers weren’t needed? Sound crazy? Unlikely to happen anytime soon? I suppose. But can you imagine it? I have seen a lot of things change in the past 2-3 years, and now I share my vision for the future. Imagine a health industry and a food industry that truly have our best interests at heart. Imagine an open-minded approach that combines East and West, old and new, and all disciplines into a truly holistic approach. Imagine the possibilities.
Michael Edwards
Editor in Chief