The truth is electric engines are a much better alternative to replace the combustion engine than hydrogen fuel cells. The truth is war is incredibly profitable to the powers that make decisions about whether or not we go to war.
The truth is all of the studies that show global warming to be a hoax are well funded by the companies who benefit from those results. The truth is whether global warming exists or doesn’t exist is not the only issue. We are the stewards of our planet. Protecting our planet and caring for our fellow creatures that inhabit it benefits us in many other ways.
The truth is, to a large extent, major corporations control our government. The truth is hemp could be an incredible source of paper, food, and textiles for us while benefitting our soil and our environment.
The truth is that antibiotics and antibacterial products are doing much more damage to our bodies and to our environment than the bacteria that we fear. The truth is that we need bacteria to survive. The truth is that E-coli and salmonella would not plague us if it weren’t for our grotesque farming practices. The truth is that pasteurization of our food is very bad for us.
The truth is that almost all medications are unnecessary if one leads a healthy lifestyle. The truth is that conventional farming and agriculture are stripping the nutrients from our food while poisoning our bodies and our environment. The truth is that there is a simple cure for cancer, diabetes, and for the many new diseases that did not exist until fairly recently. The truth is that in this country, “the land of the free,” doctors who practice natural medicine are going to jail for curing diseases without the use of conventional medicine.
The truth is that we are brainwashed.
Big business is designed to realize short term, not long term profits. While it can be very profitable to go green or to promote health in the long run, the change requires a massive initial investment and a major shift in perception. Big business is all about returns. Stockholders want profits and they want them now. Profits drive business.
But I see that times are changing. People are waking up. Big business knows that if it doesn’t start making changes, consumers will take their business elsewhere. The truth is most of the large corporations would rather convince us that they’ve changed or that they are changing while they keep doing things their way.
We, as consumers, need to start educating ourselves. We need to vote with our pocketbooks. We need to speak out. Anyone who thinks pasteurization of foods is beneficial is brainwashed. Anyone who thinks the word “refined” on food packaging to be a good thing is brainwashed. Anyone who thinks every visit to the doctor should result in a prescription for antibiotics is brainwashed.
It is challenging to re-educate ourselves. We are bombarded with so much misinformation. When someone asks me questions about health, I often think that my answers are just plain common sense. But as they say, common sense is uncommon, especially when there are so many people who stand to profit from uneducated consumers.
What would you do if you just invested 168 million dollars in a new drug to treat cancer and someone told you that a simple change in diet would eradicate cancer cells? Would you even consider the possibility? If you’re like most people you’d convince yourself it wasn’t possible. But if you did recognize the truth, would you risk that investment? Would you do the right thing?
I’m not saying that all the people in charge of big businesses knowingly hurt us or our planet. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. While many of them knowingly do harmful things for a profit, I believe the majority chooses to remain oblivious, just like the general population.
The truth is times are changing. It’s time to wake up. We’re at a turning point. Let’s be sure we take this opportunity to make things change for the better.
Michael Edwards
Editor in Chief