Canker sores (apthous ulcers), are small, painful sores inside the mouth that are either white or yellow with a red border. Canker sores are often confused with cold sores, but unlike cold sores they are caused by a bacterial infection rather than the herpes virus. Canker sores can be caused by irritation or abrasion of the tongue or mouth tissues from sharp foods, vigorous brushing with rigid toothbrushes, or orthodontia. Swollen lymph nodes and fever may accompany an outbreak.
Lysine is a natural remedy for canker sores. Begin with 4 grams daily for the first four days followed by 500 mg three times a day for two weeks on an empty stomach.
Other Vitamins and Supplements
If you find you suffer from recurring bouts of canker sores, you may be deficient in B12 or vitamin C. Always remember to take multi-B vitamins rather than taking just one B vitamin for long term treatment to avoid causing deficiencies in the other B vitamins. Iron, zinc, vitamin C and acidophilus may also help.
Diet and Health
You may also be sensitive to milk and wheat and may need to eliminate them from your diet along with other foods. There are also many other possible causes including poor nutrition, digestive disorders, and autoimmune problems. Increase your fresh fruits and vegetables and maintain your body’s proper pH.