Clear, clean, vibrant skin is the best visual indicator of overall health. Acne is not just unsightly; it is a sure sign of a body that is undernourished and full of toxins. Though it comes as no surprise, the conventional medical community does not recognize the link between diet or general health and acne, other than a possible link to a few foods.
Other than the palms of our hands and the bottoms of our feet, our bodies are covered with hair follicles. Each of these pores contains sebaceous glands that secrete sebum, a waxy, fat substance that coats the skin. This oil protects our skin from bacterial infection, helps keep it “waterproof”, and keeps skin moisturized.
When sebum gets clogged inside the pore it forms what we call a whitehead or a blackhead. Blackheads occur in follicles that have a wider opening of the pore, which allows the sebum to come into contact with air. The plugs of sebum undergo a chemical reaction resulting in the oxidation of melanin, which gives the material in the follicle the typical black color. Whiteheads are follicles that are filled with the same clogged sebum, but have very small openings to the skin surface. Since the air cannot reach the follicle, the sebum is not oxidized and remains white. When a pore becomes infected it forms what we call a pimple.
Sebum does not cause acne. Infection causes acne. Hormones, poor diet, bacteria, toxin accumulation, poor nutrition, Candida, and allergies can all contribute to the infection. For instance, an overly toxic liver can cause toxic accumulation in our pores which can irritate the sebaceous glands. When the diet is poor, the fats ingested typically cause inflammation which, in combination with toxins, can cause irritated inflamed pores ripe for infection from bacteria or Candida. In addition, with a poor diet, bacteria and Candida constantly overwhelm the body. This is why treating skin conditions such as acne with topical solutions like antibacterial soaps often have limited effect. Topical solutions do not treat the source of the problem.
While conventional medicated skin care products can reduce and in some cases even eliminate acne, using them is like taking aspirin for a headache. It may work, but it’s treating only the symptom, not the cause. Chemically laden conventional skin care can seriously age the skin. And the skin can become dependent on its use. For instance, oily skin seems to be controlled by the chemical cocktail that causes the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Or dry skin feels better for an hour or two, but the sebaceous glands don’t produce more oil. The goal is infection free skin with healthy sebaceous glands that produce the right amount of sebum. This is an internal balance. A healthy diet and skin care that nourishes the skin allows infection to heal, an end to inflammation, and healthy sebaceous glands that work properly.
We have tested Terressentials, Lusa Organics, and Tilvee skin care products. They are the best products we have found. Products of this caliber do not strip away the skins nutrients. They do not toxify the skin or the body. Using high quality, chemical free healthy skin care products along with a healthy diet is the right way to care for skin. But there are some natural remedies for acne that can significantly reduce pimples and blackheads as well as or better than any conventional skin care product without the chemical toxins.
It should be noted that the skin care industry is rampant with “organic washing”. Even reading the ingredients carefully does not necessarily ensure you are buying a chemical free product because companies don’t have to list all of their ingredients. Even if a skin care product says “Made with organic ingredients,” there is a good chance the product contains toxic chemicals. Buy 100% organic skin care products
Essential Oils for Natural Acne Remedies
Tea tree oil is antifungal, microbial, and antibacterial. It has been proven to be as effective as benzoyl peroxide (the most common medication for acne) in treating acne, with less drying, stinging, and redness.
Neem oil is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and immune-system stimulating; and works as an antihistamine, antiseptic, or spermicidal.
Oil of oregano is also antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitical, and antiviral.
Any of these oils can be applied directly to an affected area. But use caution. All of these oils, undiluted, can cause skin irritation. If applying these oils to a large area, any one or a combination of these essential oils can be diluted with aloe vera gel in a 5 to 1 ratio (incidentally, aloe vera is great for healing and nourishing skin).
Oil Cleansing for Blackheads and Whiteheads
Oil cleansing has multiple benefits. It nourishes the skin, naturally disinfects, and makes skin supple, smooth, and more pliable, which makes it easier for sebum to slide out of the pore without getting clogged.
Castor oil is an excellent cleanser but can be a little harsh if used full strength on the facial area. The standard instructions say to mix 25% Castor oil with 75% Extra Virgin Olive Oil, but we recommend unrefined coconut oil instead. Coconut oil has amazing health benefits and is very good for the skin. Coconut oil is solid up to 76 degrees, so heat it slightly to liquefy. Try adding some neem oil or oil of oregano to the coconut oil and you’ve got a gentle but powerful antiseptic.
Rub the oil mixture gently all over the face and then steam for 5-10 minutes. Wipe the oil with a steamed hot cloth.
Consider adding a small amount of one or more of the aforementioned essential oils for cleansing as well.
Diet is what it’s really all about. In most cases (almost all cases) eliminate gluten, refined foods, MSG, and dairy and the acne disappears. Focus on raw, fresh, organic produce. Slow kidneys are another common reason why acne happens, and the aforementioned diet will help the kidneys too.
Even if you suffer from oily skin, give essential oils and oil cleansing a try. Oil dissolves oil. Furthermore, oily skin is often a symptom of the body over compensating for dry skin. When the body is not as healthy as it could be, the oils secreted may not have the proper nourishing, moisturizing effect.
Balance the gut and detoxify the kidneys first. Then, if need be, balance the hormones. Then, after a little more time, you can forget all those topical remedies; you won’t need them.
Recommended Supplements:
- Shillington’s Kidney/ Bladder Formula
- Shillington’s Liver/Gallbladder Formula
- Shillington’s Blood Detox
- Oil of Oregano – Gaia Herbs
- Coconut Oil
- Lymphagogue Compound – Wise Woman Herbals
- Lavender Essential Oil – Wise Woman Herbals
Further Reading:
- How to Kill Candida and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem
- The Power of Our Hormones and How To Balance Them
- Make Your Immune System Bulletproof with These Natural Remedies
- Inexpensive Easy Detox The One Gallon Challenge