If you suffer from diabetes, ask yourself this: “If I was stranded on an island with absolutely nothing to eat except the healthiest whole fresh foods in the world, and no diabetic medication of any kind, would I live or would I die?”
If the answer is “live” then there is hope for you.
Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent diabetes caused by a failure of the pancreas to properly produce insulin. Rebuilding the pancreas is essential.
This can be a very long process, depending on how long the body has been injected with insulin.
Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistant diabetes, where the body’s cells are resistant to insulin. Each and every cell in the human body needs fat to function properly. If the fat that makes up our body’s cells is insulin resistant fatty triglycerides, then the body’s cells are insulin resistant. Over indulgence in fructose and processed fatty foods causes this condition. Therefore, rebuilding the whole body using healthy fats will reverse type 2 diabetes.
With either type 1 or type 2 diabetes , the protocol is the same because healing the body from such an extremely unhealthy condition is the same. Though these diseases are very different, as Raymond Francis says, there is only one disease: cell malfunction.
A complete total body detox is essential for anyone with diabetes. Check out this complete detox regimen, titled Cure Cancer Naturally, and Pretty Much Any Other Disease. Within this program there is a call for Dr. Budwig’s Flaxseed Oil and Quark, which is absolutely necessary for rebuilding the body with the right kinds of fats. Fruit is the one exception to this protocol; it should be avoided the first month. The regimen should be followed for three full months.
Anyone with diabetes should take chromium and enzymes every day for the rest of their life. Thorne’s Satiecin is a good way to get chromium. High quality systemic enzymes should be taken three times a day on an empty stomach. Vitalzym makes a good product. Digestive enzymes should be taken with all meals. Plant based digestive enzymes should be eaten whenever plants are consumed.
After three months of the detox program, raw fresh fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of your diet. If meat is to be consumed, then a Paleolithic diet can keep cancer away, but hydrochloric acid enzyme supplements should be taken whenever meat is ingested. Thorne Bio-gest is a good option for this.
If the goal is to finally be able to eat whatever you want, forget it. If you have diabetes, it will always be your Achilles heel, just like someone recovering from cancer is most likely to get cancer again if they do not take care of themselves. But if living without insulin shots or avoiding an early grave is the goal, this regimen can bring anyone with diabetes to a level of heath not known prior to the disease.