Why do we use pills to remove or diminish the effects of disease when we can prevent many diseases in the first place? Why are we spending so much money on prescription medicine but penny-pinching on organic food?
Life is about enjoying each day to the fullest, with loads of energy, hundreds of smiles, and belly laughter. Yes, belly laughter. It is about appreciating the food that helps us grow, the bodies given to us, the work we were meant to do, and the people who surround us with care and thoughtfulness. Nothing affects us more than food, stress, relationships, career, and the lack of appreciation for ourselves.
Stress, unhealthy foods, and destructive diets spurred by the never ending desire to be skinny, no matter the consequences, are literally killing us.
American obesity and eating disorders are becoming epidemic. These problems are “treated” with diet pills endorsed by celebrities who have little to no knowledge or experience with regard to what is appropriate for a person to do with their diet and their body. So many young women look up to celebrities as role models and want to be as “sexy,” as “beautiful,” as “wanted” as them.
The latest quick fix is the Quick Trim Diet, with the Kardashian ladies as the camera-friendly “hot ladies.” Quick Trim claims to cleanse the body. The marketing focuses on the sexuality, the body, the sensuality, the salacious voice, and the total image that is meant to pull in both men and women. But doesn’t it matter what is in the product? Preservatives, artificial flavoring and fructose can’t “cleanse the body.” There is never a mention of the personal trainers who were hired or the healthy diet that helped them lose weight. Instead, the impression is that the pills alone did the job. And the celebrity women promote it every chance they get. After backlash about the TV commercials being too sexual, the posters started popping up! The Quick Trim products are not even FDA evaluated or approved, yet young and old and everyone in between rarely look at that as a reason NOT to try it. Once again, people will try anything quick and easy to help them look like a celebrity!
Helping young children and teenagers love their bodies and grow up with healthy habits is the start to fighting back against diet pills.
When it comes to eating food from the grocery shelves, eating “USDA Organic” foods is the best choice; 95% or more of the ingredients are organic. However, foods labeled “organic” (other than produce) have to be only 70% organic, so don’t think that organic label means no pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, flavorings, or artificial colors.
Everything is about profit when it should be about keeping Americans healthy. As an American consumer, you choose what is on the shelves at the supermarkets. Business works by demand, so let’s demand clean, antibiotic-free food! Americans spend more on healthcare costs than almost every other country, but we’re also one of the least healthy and most overweight. Companies pay higher insurance rates because their employees are so often visiting the doctor’s offices and taking prescription medicines. But when food is free of additives, people aren’t ingesting chemicals that break down in the body, making them sick with acute health issues and serious lifelong diseases. Prevention through a truly healthy, organic diet is key to health.
When it comes to stress, everyone knows we should try to keep our levels down. No one helps you do that unless you pay a professional to help you for the hour. Even then, what happens when you go back home, back to reality? Well, the latest study on yoga shows that besides helping lower stress levels, it also helps with weight loss and maintenance. People who practice yoga seem to be more in tune with the mind/body cross and treat their bodies well. Weight loss and less stress? Come on over to yoga!
Remembering what’s important in life and living in the present will also keep stress levels down. Whatever happened in the past is history, and whatever is meant to be in the future will be. The book, The Four Agreements, also tells us that learning not to take things personally helps us to live easier and happier lives.
When someone criticizes your hair, or your body, or something you’re wearing or doing, do you take it to heart or let it go as quickly as it was said? See what happens the next time that situation occurs. If you take it personally, make a mental note and try not to let that happen the next go around. When you don’t take things personally, they don’t weigh on your mind. It’s all about how YOU feel about yourself, and what YOU know about yourself that matters.
It’s also about your attitude. Do you want to be sick or do you want to be healthy? While your diet has to be right for optimum energy levels, you also have to have the right mentality to exercise your body to “marathon mode.” When people say they cured themselves with spiritual practices and by eating a healthy diet, they aren’t making it up!
Decrease stress, increase energy and zest for life, become happier and healthier, and learn to love your body.
- http://www.qtdiet.com
- What do your food labels really mean? ‘Free-range,’ ‘natural,’ ‘non-toxic,’ and other myths
- Yoga for Weight Loss
- The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz
- Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World by Dr. Eliot Hudes and Dr. Michael Muffs