A few years ago there was an outbreak of salmonella from tainted almonds. This outbreak led to new laws causing the pasteurization of almonds. OLM talked to Seth Leaf at Living Nutz about pasteurization. Seth, what can you tell us about the reason why almonds are now pasteurized? The FDA in conjunction with the Almond Board of California and the USDA passed a mandate declaring that all almonds in the United States must be pasteurized. During the comment period, when citizens are invited to give their input before a decision is reached and a law is passed, there were only 18 responses, and those were just from people on the Almond Board. No one in the public knew about it. In September the new law was passed. During the salmonella outbreak, Trader Joe’s and some of the more commercially based health food stores had to pull a lot of product off their shelves. But the contamination was in the conventional almonds, not the organic almonds. There was a whole lot of misinformation given out. How can almonds get salmonella? Almonds cannot get salmonella naturally. The way these almonds became tainted with salmonella was due to processing—to what’s called stockpiling. That’s when these giant commercial farmers who are growing tons of different kinds of produce, meat, and whatever will put big giant loads of almonds near chicken droppings or something. Almonds don’t get salmonella without that kind of really sloppy big business agriculture.
McDonalds had a salmonella outbreak where people died, where children actually died. The government didn’t do a thing, really. But a few people get sick from eating almonds and it’s a bigger deal to the government somehow. Maybe they feel that McDonalds was doing everything they could, I don’t know. But it’s sad really, and it doesn’t make sense. Why are they targeting Almonds and not McDonalds? It’s the politics behind this. There are a couple of different motivation factors. A lot of people think that big business is shutting out the smaller business and that may be true to a certain degree. But what’s really going on is what’s called the Codex Treaty. What is the Codex Treaty? The Codex Treaty is a ban passed in Europe which will put big pharmaceutical companies in control of supplements. Of course supplements will be watered down, weakened, and/or made in a lab and basically be ineffective. Big pharmaceuticals want people to remain sick. They want a massive chain of codependence. They want to get rid of the life force, the healing properties in our food. That’s really what the almond pasteurization is all about. Almonds were becoming the most famous nut. They were so good for you before they were pasteurized. Right now in Canada they are trying to pass a bill stating that 60% of all supplements are banned. They’ve already banned a lot of them there. People are trying to prevent it, but they aren’t too successfully so far. And it’s going to happen here too. More people are learning about the power of the right kinds of supplements and healthy food, and these companies will put a stop to it if they can. It’s not a question of if, but when. It’s going to happen here. These are big players. Pharmaceutical companies are bigger then oil companies. And they only care about the bottom line, and nothing else. What can we do? People need to wake up and learn what’s really going on. This is such a brainwashed nation, it’s just unreal. This stuff is going right now. Mainstream media is not going to tell the truth about this. They are in the pockets of big Pharm. We have got to wake up! Go to naturalnews.com for the best source of alternative, honest, knowledgeable and true information about what’s really going on. Check out The Health Ranger, Mike Adams. He goes after any information that disempowers us. He’s not worried about a lawsuit, maybe because he’s not selling anything. The way this country works is that if you are selling something, no matter how honest you are, you can get into trouble. But he is not selling anything so he just goes for it. No holds barred. They went after almonds first, but this is just the beginning. No other nuts or seeds must be pasteurized, yet. They don’t want live, living organic food. Even our organic food is losing its nutrition now that big business is involved. People think it’s great because now organic foods are so much more readily available, but with the continued weakening of organic standards and things like monocropping, the organic food we purchase from big business doesn’t have the same nutrition. It’s all demineralized. It’s really just more expensive and has fewer chemicals than the conventional counterparts. Plants thrive on minerals; everything does. Plants transmutate minerals from the soil into bio-available nutrition; they turn non-assimable minerals into nutrition we can assimilate. Nut in order for crops to be well mineralized and to have a lot of life force in them, you need crop rotation. You have to grow different crops in the same soil to replenish the minerals. Big agricultural companies are growing organic food in mineral depleted, bland, lifeless soil. Tell us about your products. We have 19 different flavors right now. We germinate all of our nuts for at least 12 hours. Then we add the flavorings—all organic ingredients. When you germinate nuts and seeds, you release enzyme inhibitors. But if you were to eat nuts or seeds that have not been germinated and you chewed them up really well, with lots of your own saliva, you would also deactivate the enzyme inhibitors. But germinating is a process that essentially starts the nuts and seeds growing. We “wake up” the nut or seed in this manner, like Mother Nature does only we do it faster. They become living foods and the nutrients are easier to assimilate. Anything else you’d like to tell us? This pasteurization of almonds ruling really shook us up. It’s our biggest seller. We started a petition. We are asking you to sign the petition but don’t stop there, bombard these sources; the Almond board of California, the FDA, and the USDA with emails, or even better, letters. We need to empower ourselves and self educate. We can stop this stuff, but it will take a lot of people educating themselves and speaking out. We are loosing our rights. We need to wake up, and educate ourselves. On his deathbed, Louis Pasteur said he was wrong about pasteurization. He fought to promote it most of his life, but he realized later that when you kill all of the bacteria, the bad bacteria comes back and you’ve killed the life of the food. It is all making us so sick. Seth Leaf is co-founder and co-owner of Living Nutz. OLM endorses and recommends Living Nutz. They are delicious and nutritious snacks from a small company with the highest integrity. www.livingnutz.com