There are lots of reasons to eat organic. here are 17.
1. It’s Healthier
Organic foods contain considerably higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and cancer-fighting antioxidants than their conventional counterparts.
2. No Unnatural Additives, Preservatives, or Flavors
Organic foods do not contain hydrogenated fats, artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, or monosodium glutamate (MSG), all of which can cause health problems.
3. No Pesticides
More than 400 chemical pesticides are routinely used in conventional farming. Pesticide residues are present in non-organic food. The average conventionally-grown apple has between 20-30 artificial poisons on its skin, even after it is washed.
4. No Genetic Modifications
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not currently allowed under organic standards. GMOs pose significant health risks and environmental hazards.
5. No Antibiotics or Hormones
Antibiotics and hormones given to farm animals cause health issues in humans. For instance, hormones in milk and meat are believed to be the reason children are reaching puberty at earlier ages than ever before.
6. Organics Aren’t Really More Expensive
Conventionally produced foods have hidden costs, including billions of dollars in federal agriculture and energy subsidies that favor big business. Chemical regulations and testing, hazardous waste disposal, environmental damage and cleanup, and illnesses and hospitalizations are other hidden costs to our non-organically grown foods. We pay for these subsidies with taxes.
7. Protect Your Children
Children are often more vulnerable to toxins than adults. Children should be fed an organic diet and taught how to resist our junk-food culture. It may take years before ailments associated with chronic or episodic contact with toxins become acute. Good food choices have a substantial effect on a child’s future health.
8. High Standards
Organic food usually comes from trusted sources, companies that are more likely to care about your health.
9. Care for Animals
Animal welfare is taken very seriously under organic standards. The appalling treatment of the majority of our farm animals is not acceptable under organic standards.
High Standards
Organic food usually comes from trusted sources, companies that are more likely to care about your health.
10. Care for Animals
Animal welfare is taken very seriously under organic standards. The appalling treatment of the majority of our farm animals is not acceptable under organic standards.
11. Better for the Environment
Organic farming does not pollute the environment through pesticide runoff or contaminate other crops and seed banks with GMOs.
12. Top for Taste
Organic tastes so much better! Fruits and vegetables are full of juice and flavor. Try them yourself. A side-by-side taste test allows you to easily taste and feel the difference.
13. Support Small Scale Local Farmers
Organic farms are more likely to be small and independently owned and operated. By buying locally produced foods, you help insure local farms are viable. Huge corporate agribusiness is significantly less efficient than the small farmer.
14. Save Energy
Buying organic and whenever possible buying from your local farmer, saves energy. You won’t be contributing to the environmental and social costs of the worldwide transport of foods and fertilizers. Fertilizer is naturally occurring; it isn’t shipped from across the nation. Crops travel fewer miles from farm to market and save energy in transport. You won’t be supporting a system based on the exploitation of third world labor.
15. Promote Biodiversity
Many large scale agricultural businesses practice mono-cropping, planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year. This practice strips nutrients from the soil and causes farmers to become more and more dependent on fertilizers. It also upsets nature’s pest control. The more bugs found on a farm, the higher the percentage of beneficial insects in the population. Solid blocks of one crop attract pests who like to eat that particular crop. Increased genetic resistance to pesticides has caused crop losses to double in the last 50 years. Organic growers practice crop rotation, cover cropping, and composting. They work with Mother Nature, not against her. Clearly more biodiversity is necessary in farming, and buying organic supports this movement.
16. Prevent Soil Erosion
Conventional farming has extracted wealth from the land at the expense of our topsoil, causing a worldwide topsoil crisis. Across North America, soil is eroding seven times faster than it can be replaced. Cornell University reports erosion costs at about $44 billion a year. Organic sustainable farming practices ensure nutrient rich soil and healthier crops.
17. Protect Farm Workers’ Health
Farm workers are exposed to extremely high levels of agricultural poisons, higher than any segment of the population. The devastating effects on them and their families are well documented. These are the people who tend and harvest our food, and they deserve better. You can help farmers by supporting a safe work environment and voting with your pocketbook by purchasing organic foods.