If You’re Waiting on a Coronavirus Vaccine, Don’t Hold Your Breath

Many Americans are awaiting what they consider a return to normal as other countries around the world slowly begin to open back up.

David L. Ryan/Boston Globe via Getty Images

Unfortunately for us, it doesn’t look like that will be happening here anytime soon. With the initial poor handling of the pandemic, many states are having to reimpose restrictions due to a spike in cases, meaning we’re actually moving backward instead of forward.

The CDC said we could get COVID-19 under control if everyone just wore masks for 6-8 weeks. The problem is, we did that… and it didn’t work. The government essentially said, “…stay home! We’ll take care of you!…” and they didn’t do that either.

Related: The Open Air Method: What We Might Be Missing To Treating COVID-19

So now, here we are, desperately wanting to return to normal but being seemingly unable to get things under control. America is a bit of a unique case. The CDC lied to American citizens initially, saying they did not need masks because they were in low supply. The CDC later came out and said that we did need masks to slow the spread. It’s a little difficult to instill trust in the government after they lie to their people, and of course, no one wants to listen to the government when they know the government won’t take care of them.

It seems many are relying on a vaccine to be available before returning to normal. Unfortunately, it’ll probably be awhile on that as well. A vaccine generally takes 10 years to develop, and millions of dollars. Between the research, and the funding as well as the testing, it’s a pretty lengthy process.

Producing enough vaccine for only, say, the 100 million most vulnerable Americans would itself take a few months. You also have the obstacle of distributing it and actually vaccinating people, as well as dealing with anti-vaxxer sentiments, so add another few months. That brings us into the start of 2022 on a highly optimistic timeline.

Bad News about the Pandemic: We’re Not Getting Back to Normal Any Time Soon

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All that aside, COVID-19 is a Sars virus similar to the common cold that can be particularly difficult to vaccinate against. It’s likely we’ll end up with a flu vaccine like scenario where the vaccine is not nearly as effective as others. Some health officials have reported that they could have a vaccine available as early as 2021. This, however, is an extremely optimistic guess and is highly unlikely, and of course, vaccines are toxic under the best of circumstances. Who knows what kind of problems could be caused by a vaccine that is produced as quickly as health officials are hoping.

If you’re worried about COVID-19 we recommend making sure you have a healthy diet and a healthy gut. A healthy gut is the best way to build a strong immune system and prevent diseases.