In its natural, healthy state, the body is detoxifying at all times. Breathing, digesting healthy, clean vegetables, using our muscles, or just being alive creates toxins in the body that need to be expelled.
With today’s typical modern lifestyle, toxins are accumulating in the body at a greater rate than the body can expel them. Not only do we have much higher levels of toxicity, many of the toxins are not normally found in nature. Once the body is in that vicious cycle of toxic accumulation, disease will set in, organ failure will eventually occur, and doctors will blame it on genetics or age.
Disease has one cause: cellular malfunction. There are two causes for cellular malfunctions: lack of nutrition and too much toxicity.
It is no wonder “detox” is the buzz word amongst the natural health enthusiasts and healers. The problem is, even amongst the natural health crowd, there is a tendency to eat poorly and detox once or twice a year with a juice fast or a smoothie binge, which is typically done in a way that feeds the body way too much sugar, which for most people completely negates the detox.
Now for the good news: your body can handle a remarkably heavy toxic load if you’re getting proper nutrition, enough sleep, your gut flora is balanced, and your gut is healthy. The human body is better off with lots of toxins and lots of nutrition, than it is without nutrition. This does not mean you can eat like crap and take a supplement and then expect to be healthy. Junk food robs the body of nutrition and it unbalances the intestinal flora, leaving the gut in dismal health. If you live under power lines, talk on your cell phone all day, type on your laptop for hours on end, and eat too much Fukushima, parasite laden sushi, you can still be healthier than most anyone you know if you do the following:
How To Detoxify With Diet
Produce detoxifies the body. This is especially true when it’s organic and raw. The trick is to eat a lot of it, to eat a wide variety, and to eat more vegetables than fruit. Make yourself a huge salad with 15 different vegetables and lots of herbs and spices like garlic, turmeric, cilantro, etc. Your base can be kale, collard greens, spinach, or anything leafy that’s not iceberg lettuce. Shred carrots, beets, and radishes. Throw in some pumpkin and sesame seeds. Don’t worry, we’ll have a link to a recipe at the end.
The thing is, all of those previously mentioned ingredients are known to increase organ functionality, build up optimum cellular function, prevent disease, and expel toxins from the body. Many of the vegetables and herbs can even dispel BPAs and other man-made toxins from the body.
We are supposed to eat a lot of produce. For many years, longer than we’ve eaten any other way, humans foraged for vegetables growing out of the ground. We would walk, all day, walked, see an edible food, eat it, walk some more. It’s estimated that before we used grain agriculture we ate up to 8 pounds of produce a day! Meat takes a lot of effort to find, prepare, and digest. Fruits and nuts were seasonal, but herbs, leafs, and such are always just popping right up out of the ground. Other omnivores can be seen doing this, even wolves. They prefer protein, but they eat vegetables all day, too, in the wild.
Raw, organic vegetables expel toxins from the body in a multitude of ways. Eat as many as you can. Make a big salad every day. Here’s a recipe.
Drink To Detoxify
Make yourself a gallon of cranberry stevia lemonade a day and drink it. If you can’t drink a gallon, don’t kill yourself trying, but most people can do that just fine. The lemon balances the PH and helps boost the liver’s ability to detoxify. The cranberry keeps the kidneys going strong. The water flushes out the body. There’re many more benefits, but those are the biggies. Don’t use a sugar to sweeten it, use stevia or no sweetener. Also, always use distilled water, or unadulterated, naturally mineralized water from a trusted spring source. Here’s the recipe.
Take a Whole Food Multivitamin/Mineral Formula That Detoxifies
Shillington’s Total Nutrition Formula helps the body expel toxins. All of the ingredients play their part, but of particular note are the chlorella and the spirulina, which are not only some of the best sources of protein available, they are powerful heavy metal chelators. (They bind with heavy metals and expel them from the body). Here’s an article to Make Your Own Total Nutrition (or buy it here).
Balance Your Gut Flora
It’s hard to detoxify when your gut flora is full of Candida. Nothing works right when yeast is abundant in the whole body. Candida isthe, or one ofthe, foundations for almost all illnesses. Kill the Candida and limit refined foods and sugars (agave, brown rice syrup, coconut sugar, fruit juices, etc.) from the diet. “Healthy sugars” are sugars found in whole foods. The aforementioned sweeteners feed yeast. Balance the gut flora with salads and cut out the excess sugars. Health will follow. Out best on gut flora is How To Kill Candida And Balance Your Inner Ecosystem.
Breathe Properly
Proper breathing, believe it or not, is an awesome way to help detoxify the body without putting out any effort. What is proper breathing? It’s breathing from one’s abdomen so that the rib cage and stomach expand as you breath in. Most people breath in a way that causes the opposite to happen, making for shallow breaths. This is a nervous breathing pattern we’ve adapted due to our modern, low but constant stressful lifestyle. For more on proper breathing, see How To Breathe.
Most people can repair the body this way without supplements, but supplements do speed up the process. For those dealing with serious or long-term health issues, or those who do not have access to organic foods, supplements may be required. Virtually everyone in modern society has an overabundance in Candida. To speed up wellness, you can knock out Candida fast with Formula SF722, Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse, and FloraMend.
If you are very ill and in need of a more radical approach to getting well quickly it’s time to learn about Candida, Leaky Gut, and more.
Recommended Supplements:
- Shillington’s Total Nutrition Formula
- Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse
- Formula SF722 – Thorne Research
- FloraMend – Thorne Research
Further Reading:
- Inexpensive, Easy Detox – The One Gallon Challenge
- How to Kill Candida and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem
- How to Breathe
- 80% Raw Food Diet