How To Avoid GMO Apples
Up to 400 Midwest grocery stores started selling pre-sliced packages of the “Arctic Apple”. The company marketing the apples won’t say which stores are selling them and they won’t label the apples “GMO” because according to Intrexon’s CEO:
We didn’t want to put ‘GMO’ and a skull and crossbones on the package.”
Arctic apples have been genetically engineered not to brown. They are devoid of the enzyme that causes apples to oxidize when the flesh comes in contact with air. Retailers, restaurants, and other foodservice sectors have expressed interest in using the GMO apples. Expect to see them in hospitals, restaurants, schools, vending machines, and anywhere you may see presliced apples.
Right now three new genetically engineered, non-browning apples have been approved: Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and recently the addition of the Fuji. Gala apples are next. Only Goldens and Granny trees have been in the ground long enough to produce fruit in commercial quantities by next fall.
At this time we’ve been told that the product is sold as a 10-ounce bag of sliced Golden Delicious apples, sold by Okanagan Specialty Fruits, Inc. You may be able to spot the apples upon seeing their trademarked name the package labels. The Arctic Apple® or Arctic Golden Apple is a registered trademark of Okanagan Specialty Fruits, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Intrexon.
How to Avoid The GMO Apples
One could scan the bag’s QR code with a smartphone. Avoid anything sold by Okanagan Specialty Fruits, Intrexon, and anything called an “Arctic Apple. Avoid any apples that have already been sliced open. Pre-sliced apples weren’t a good idea even before the GMOs hit the shelves. Pretty soon, buying organic may be the only way to avoid GMO apples, as they eventually may contaminate other crops, and even that may become problematic.
We recommend buying produce and bulk foods predominantly, get to know your farmer’s markets and local farmers, grow your own food, and put the kind of scrutiny and care into what goes inside your body as we all should.
- Buy organic
- Do not buy any apples labeled “Arctic”
- Avoid pre-sliced apples
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