Bring up the subject of being able to heal yourself and you often will get looked at like you are either clinically insane or have just been dropped off by Alf. People are not yet ready to believe that the body is indeed capable of healing itself, which shows a complete lack of gratitude for the infinite intelligence it contains and the daily actions it completes for us. You know, the heart beating, lungs breathing, organs functioning, muscles twitching, neurotransmitters firing…all those things we don’t need to know how to do because our body takes care of it. So how can the body complete all these tasks, but not be able to heal itself? The answer lies between your ears, and it’s time for some rewiring. To be clear, I’m referring to your beliefs. The things that guide your actions, bring about your reality, and are backed up by your opinions. Sometimes we need to question our beliefs, in order to grow and expand. This is an opportunity to do just that.
#1 – Belief You Are Healthy (when you are not)
As long are you have the belief that you are already healthy, you will NEVER be able to heal.
Since definitions will vary, for the sake of this article, let’s assume that healthy is a body free of any disease or discord. Disease includes chronic lack of energy, sleep, aches, pains, headaches, digestion issues, skin issues, libido problems, and nagging coughs, colds, flu’s, sore throats, and general stomach upset. Unfortunately, this eliminates 97% of the population.
Even if you have managed to stop the disease process, and have eliminated toxins from your diet and are eating clean and healthy food, you still have to uproot the deep seated challenges that are holding you back from true health. Otherwise, your body is still circulating contaminants often rooted in your digestive system through blood circulation that ends up infecting your organs, muscles, tissues, and bones on a daily basis.
In other words, you may have cleaned up your engine and are using premium fuel, but as long as really old, dirty oil keeps circulating through it, your vehicles performance will always be compromised.
I have seen many people claim that they are healthy, but their actions, body signals, and general appearance often say the opposite. This is not to say that these people are not doing a great job of currently feeding their system and that they are very passionate about their health (which I applaud), But if we do truly want to be healthy we need to look in the mirror and be straight with ourselves (and not stress out about it) and evaluate our true level of health.
Once we have done this, and we realize that we are indeed not as healthy as we would like, then the door opens and allows the right information to flow in as the body anxiously awaits for you to feed it the potent nutrition and right mindset to uproot your deeply seated challenges.
Until that moment, you will put a block on any healing process.
#2 – Belief in the Conventional Medical System
Another major stumbling block to healing is the belief that the answers lie within the conventional wisdom of doctors, scientists, and pharmaceutical companies.
The painful truth, which is self evident by the state of people’s health, is that they have done a poor job of increasing people’s vitality and removing the root cause of any disease process already present in the body. What they have done a good job of is diagnosing, labelling, enslaving, and managing people’s symptoms which creates lifelong customers, but unhappy ones at best.
Only in a system where you feel you have no other choice would people keep coming back to it. This is the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
The stark reality of our current system is that it is a sickcare system, not a healthcare system. It does not promote healing…it promotes hiding, managing, and applying bloody bandages on a day-to-day basis to the sores that do not get better.
The conventional medical system is good at critical care and life threatening situations. It’s terrible at promoting quality of life and a healthy lifestyle.
So if you still believe in the conventional medical system in that it can create a reasonable quality of life and have largely shunned all other possibilities, you have created a permanent barrier to healing.
#3 – Belief in the Industrialized Food System
Our food system is not what it was 50 years ago, and if you believe you can heal yourself through it, you are in for a rude awakening.
The current mode of production and distribution has helped eliminate a large amount of nutrients in our food, and to add insult to injury, has laced them with toxic chemicals to leave them a fraction of the nutrient value that they would be coming from your own garden, or someone else’s who has made it a priority to produce clean food in gently tilled, nutrient rich soils.
Perhaps you need a refresher on how our food is produced, why it is harming you, and can rarely if ever heal you. This article is a great start.
The industrialized food system will provide some sustenance and nutrients for your body, but it can’t reverse any damage incurred over your lifetime. To do that, you require potent nutrition and supplementation so the body is given the power to heal itself.
As long as you believe that the current food system is good enough to help you become truly healthy, you will always have a barrier to healing.
#4 – Disbelief Your Body Can Be Healed
I understand, everyone’s situation is different. You have tried everything and nothing works. You’ve lost hope or have completely blocked the idea that your body is capable of becoming healthy again. Don’t continue tell your mind or body that. That is counterproductive.
Realizing that all situations are more acute than others, I can boldly say that healing is always possible. Now, this doesn’t mean it won’t be extremely difficult for some of you, and it doesn’t mean that the answers and protocols are easy to find, but I can say that whatever the body creates, it can eliminate.
I empathize with those who have found themselves in precarious situations. It’s not enjoyable, nor is it easy. I know this from personal experience…having gone through debilitating pain, doctors visits, and prescriptions that solved nothing.
However, the one thing they couldn’t take away from me was my faith. I believed that the answers were somewhere and that I just needed to keep moving forward until my persistence paid off and I found them. Fortunately, I did find these answers and put them in place over a period of 8 years, until I managed to give my body what it needed to completely heal itself (and the reason why I can now help others do it in a mere fraction of the time).
So if you don’t believe you can be healed, you are sure to not find the answers to true healing.
#5 – Disbelief You Can Find Someone Who Can Help Your Body Heal
If you do overcome the disbelief that your body can heal itself, then you need to overcome what is often the biggest trap of all, the belief you cannot find someone who can help your body heal.
Now, no one should describe themselves as a healer. The only thing that can take credit for healing is the body. It in the only thing that has the infinite intelligence required to govern effective healing, and actually put the processes into action that will ultimately lead to real healing.
A healer should be thought of more as a broker or facilitator. They recommend or provide the tools, the advice, and in some cases broker the kind of energy required for the body to overcome its disease through direct contact. Regardless of the method, they understand how to ‘translate’ the body’s signals and provide the things it requires to take care of itself.
However, if you are inherently skeptical about finding this type of person, one will never come into your midst, as you have created a monumental barrier to your own healing.
Your Beliefs Are Most important
Sure, there are plenty of other barriers to healing, like improper food and supplementation choices, doing things at the wrong time and in the wrong order, and ingesting toxic ingredients. However, the most debilitating barrier is a closed mind, because it leads to nothing but closed doors. This will never lead to an opportunity to heal the body.
Don’t make the mistaken assumption your body is not intelligent enough to heal itself. It could be the most costly mistake you ever make.