There is a consistent misnomer among the mainstream consensus that vaccines are healthy. If flu shots are effective, one could argue that the end result is healthy, but there is nothing healthy about the vaccine itself. In 2014, the ingredients include thimerosal (mercury), aluminum salts, sugars, gelatin, egg protein, formaldehyde, and neomycin. Nobody in their right mind can argue that allowing these toxins into the body is actually “healthy.” The idea is that the damage the vaccine may do is outweighed by the illness it prevents.
The question remains, is it worth the risk, however minor or major the risks may be? To answer this question, we need to answer the question of whether the flu shot reduces the number of flu cases each year. The CDC says yes, but most people don’t know that the CDC admits they cannot verify their claims.
If you’re on the fence about flu shots (or know somebody who is), the following is undisputed, inarguable information that can all be easily verified, information that everyone should be aware of to in regards to flu shot dangers and efficacy.
The CDC has no idea how many people contract influenza or die from it each year
The CDC states that they receive reports on confirmed influenza cases in children but not adults. Their website lists the number of annual flu-related deaths for children. The average since 2003 is 113 deaths per year. Yet they claim 25-35,000 Americans die from influenza each year. They base their numbers on cases of pneumonia, respiratory, and circulatory related deaths without laboratory confirmation that influenza was a cause. Many of these cases are the elderly who suffer from chronic diseases. The CDC claims their deaths are due to flu-related illnesses or that the flu weakened their condition, yet there is no confirmation that the patient suffered from influenza.
The flu is not usually the flu
Whenever we spike a fever along with muscle aches and pains we (and doctors as well) decide we have the flu. But we probably don’t. We may have a virus of some kind, or we may have a bacterial infection (which could also be from food we ate) or a fungal infection (like candida, which can infect the body just like a virus or a bacteria and show all of the same symptoms). Even if it is a virus, there are more than 200 viruses that cause flu-like symptoms.
Pneumonia has more than 30 different causes, influenza being but one of them.
The National Center for Health Statistics states, “Cause-of-death statistics are based solely on the underlying cause of death [internationally defined] as ‘the disease or injury which initiated the train of events leading directly to death,'” Since the flu is rarely an “underlying cause of death,” the CDC created the term, “influenza-associated death.”
The CDC does not want to know how many people actually die from the flu. Or, they do know, and don’t want anyone else to know. When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, that much is clear. If they wanted to know how many people died from the flu, as in, how many people die from flu symptoms with laboratory confirmed influenza virus every year, it would be relatively easy to find out. We have those statistics for other diseases, but not for the flu.
The CDC does reveal the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of flu inoculations
In children, the effectiveness of the flu vaccine is reported to be a mere 66%. It doesn’t seem possible to derive a factual number for adults since the CDC states that tests for influenza are not reported. When laboratory tests are done to confirm influenza, they often show that influenza was not present. Perhaps this is why the CDC does not collect this information.
They guess which influenza shot to give you every year
The viral strain used to manufacture the vaccine is based on the best guess of which flu strain will spread during the next flu season. Add to this best guess scenario the fact the viruses mutate. Even if the correct strain was chosen, a mutation may render the vaccine useless. It’s interesting to note that while, as mentioned, the CDC does track the annual confirmed influenza deaths of children, but the CDC does not track what influenza virus kills them. We cannot find any record of how often the vaccine companies manufacture for the correct strain, or how often any particular strain of influenza is more or less likely to kill us.
For all we know, they could be giving people the wrong flu vaccine more often than not.
Flu vaccines contain aluminum salts & formaldehyde
The use of aluminum salts on the skin has been linked to breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and many other diseases. Aluminum, in any of it’s forms, is known to be extremely toxic to humans. Of course, injecting or snorting aluminum, as opposed to drinking from aluminum cans and absorbing it from skin products, is very different. We would argue that this difference poses a far greater risk to health, but vaccine advocates disagree.
Flu vaccines are not vegan friendly
Sugars (sugar often comes from non-vegan sources), egg protein, and gelatin (derived from collagen obtained from various animal by-products) are in the 2014 rounds of flu shots. The flu vaccine is prepared from the fluids of chick embryos inoculated with an influenza virus.
Yes! Influenza shots still contain mercury
If you choose to take a vaccine, look for the ingredient thermisol. Thermisol is in multi-dose vials of flu vaccine, which are most of the flu vaccines.
Autism is not the most common vaccine injury being settled in vaccine court
Guillain-Barré Syndrome is an auto-immune reaction to viruses and vaccines. The immune system attacks the nervous system. Symptoms range from tingling and weakness in the limbs to life-threatening paralysis.
There has been a lot of news about the links between vaccines and autism, but settlements for Guillain- Barré Syndrome exceed autism and other child development cases in vaccine court. The number of settlements also far exceed the numbers of cases cited by the CDC and other pro-vaccine sources.
The CDC has no idea how many people contract influenza or die from it each year
The CDC states that they receive reports on confirmed influenza cases in children but not adults. Their website lists the number of annual flu-related deaths for children. The average since 2003 is 113 deaths per year. Yet they claim 25-35,000 Americans die from influenza each year. They base their numbers on cases of pneumonia, respiratory, and circulatory related deaths without laboratory confirmation that influenza was a cause. Many of these cases are the elderly who suffer from chronic diseases. The CDC claims their deaths are due to flu-related illnesses or that the flu weakened their condition, yet there is no confirmation that the patient suffered from influenza.
The flu is not usually the flu
Whenever we spike a fever along with muscle aches and pains we (and doctors as well) decide we have the flu. But we probably don’t. We many have a virus of some kind, or we may have a bacterial infection (which could also be from food we ate) or a fungal infection (like candida, which can infect the body just like a virus or a bacteria and show all of the same symptoms). Even if it is a virus, there are more than 200 viruses that cause flu-like symptoms.
Pneumonia has more than 30 different causes, influenza being but one of them.
The National Center for Health Statistics states, “Cause-of-death statistics are based solely on the underlying cause of death [internationally defined] as ‘the disease or injury which initiated the train of events leading directly to death,'” Since the flu is rarely an “underlying cause of death,” the CDC created the term, “influenza-associated death.”
The CDC does not want to know how many people actually die from the flu. Or, they do know, and don’t want anyone else to know. When you put the pieces of the puzzle together, that much is clear. If they wanted to know how many people died from the flu, as in, how many people die from flu symptoms with laboratory confirmed influenza virus every year, it would be relatively easy to find out. We have those statistics for other diseases, but not for the flu.
The flu is completely preventable. The irony is that the flu shot makes a healthy person more likely to get the flu and a person with a compromised immune system is much more likely to be damaged by toxic vaccine ingredients than a healthy person. The more often the flu shot is received, the more likely an injury will occur, and the weaker the immune system will be in the long run. If you’re looking for more information on vaccinations, be sure to check the first source. Also check out How to Detoxify from Vaccinations, and Bullet Proof Your Immune System.
Recommended Supplements:
- Shillington’s Echinacea+
- Shillington’s Total Tonic
- Total Nutrition Formula
- Shillington’s Herbal Snuff
Further Reading:
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Influenza Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness of the Flu Shot
- The MMR Vaccine – A Comprehensive Overview Of the Potential Dangers and Effectiveness
- How Plumbing, Not Vaccines, Eradicated Disease
- Autism and Vaccines: CDC Whistleblower Exposes Vaccine Dangers, Lies, and Cover-ups
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths
- Flu Shot Causes Polio-like Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Are Rates Higher
- Than the Government Admits?