A new study that surveyed more than 72,000 people in 27 different countries has found that elderly people are not more likely to comply with COVID-19 safety measures. In the study, people surveyed in the 60-80 age range were no more likely to self-isolate if advised to do so, and they were also less likely to wear a mask outside the home.
The findings show that the elderly people, i.e. the most vulnerable population, are not systematically more responsive in terms of prospective self-isolation (if they were told to do so) and willingness to isolate. Moreover, they are not more disciplined in terms of compliance with preventive measures, especially with wearing a face mask when outside their home. This behaviour will become especially important when social distancing rules will be loosened.”
Jean-François Daoust
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Older individuals are more likely to be hospitalized or die if they contract coronavirus, and wearing masks, self-isolating, and social distancing have been promoted as ways society can offer them protection.