Drinking Alcohol with Health and Sustainability in Mind

Discussions about organic foods are rarely followed with discussions about organic drinks. Since alcohol is generally considered to be bad, few are trying to make it healthier and safer for the planet.

Liquor production and distribution can contribute to air, water, and soil pollution and add to climate change. Lately, there has been talk about sustainable alcohol production, and some of the major players have turned to organic manufacturing, packing, and distribution.

Organic liquors have health benefits that were not attributed to their non-organic counterparts. If you want to choose organic drinks over ones burdened with chemicals and poor production practices, here are a few whys and hows.

Know What You Are Getting

It is important to know all the benefits of organic drinks, as well as their advantages over the conventionally produced ones. Really, the simplest way to cross over to the “green” side is to find out all the dreadful ingredients in non-organic production.

Potassium metasulfite and sodium metasulfite are artificially added to beer and wine. They  cause allergic reactions in 4 percent of the people who drink them, and for people with asthma, inhaling them can actually be deadly.

BHA, a preservative added to conventionally produced beers, is not only an endocrine disruptor, it is also a possible carcinogen. Other scary ingredients that can be found in alcoholic beverages are genetically engineered corn, fish bladder, and gelatin.

On the opposite side of the “battlefield,” organic drinks contain only natural ingredients and carry significant health benefits. Organic beer, for instance, enables better digestion because of the lack of toxic ingredients. For the same reason, it allows your body to absorb more nutrients. It is a great source of vitamin B6, flavanoids, and citrin.

“Green” wine allows you to soak in even more health perks, such as lowering bad cholesterol and raising the good one, regulating blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of blood clotting, reducing cancer risk, fighting infections, boosting brain power, and aiding in weight loss efforts.

Be Sure You Have Chosen Organic

There is no way to determine whether or not alcohol is organic without carefully checking the label for artificial ingredients. However, know that some brands in the alcohol industry do not disclose all of their ingredients, excusing this omission with proprietary claims. Try to find additional information online, and if you see any added flavors or dyes, look further.

Shop Locally

Although some large alcohol manufacturers have switched to organic produce, earn some extra environmental points by finding a local winery or brewery. You will not only be going green by eliminating transport and its negative effects on the environment,  you will be doing your community a favor by supporting local industry and commerce.

Look for Sustainable Packaging

Did you know that a large portion of domestic waste (between a quarter and a third) consists of packaging? This is why it is important to choose your drinks responsibly, not only based on their ingredients, but also on their packaging. Aluminum containers and glass bottles are mostly recyclable, with the exception of some beer cans with potentially dangerous BPA lining. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, opt for boxed wines and tetra packs, and avoid plastic and mixed-material bottles. Remember that aluminum and BPA are not good for your health.


As you see, there is an enormous difference between non-organic and organic red wine, beer, and liquor in general. Being aware of all of these benefits gives the term “drinking responsibly” an additional meaning – choosing drinks made exclusively of natural ingredients and produced and transported in a way that minimizes environmental impact.

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